Here are my GAE DALnr snippets.

Some code has been simplified (by using if stmts with hard-coded
classnames) for brevity.

I will provide a link to a zip of a working sample next Monday.

In gluon\contrib\
from google.appengine.ext import db as google_db
from google.appengine.ext.db import polymodel as pm  # DLypka Mod to
support PolyModel
class MyGAEBaseDALnr(pm.PolyModel):   #DLypka Mod
    selflinkPrev = google_db.SelfReferenceProperty
    selflinkNext = google_db.SelfReferenceProperty

class MyGAEBaseDALnrSegment(pm.PolyModel):   #DLypka Mod  This entity
is a child of MyGAEBaseDALnr
    linkToDALnr = google_db.ReferenceProperty(MyGAEBaseDALnr,
required=False, collection_name='linksToDALnr')

# DLypka Mod: New method
def insertNative(self, **fields):
    self._db['_lastsql'] = 'insert'
    for field in self.fields:
        if not field in fields and self[field].default != None:
            fields[field] = self[field].default
        if field in fields:
            fields[field] = obj_represent(fields[field], self
[field].type, self._db)
    tmp = self._tableobj(**fields)
    return dict(nativeRef=tmp, id=tmp.key().id())

In Method     def _select(self, *fields, **attributes):
#        tablename = table.kind()  # DLypka commented out
        isPoly = isinstance(table, pm.PolymorphicClass)  # DLypka
Patch for PolyModel support
        if isPoly: # DLypka Patch for PolyModel support
            tablename = table.class_name() # DLypka Patch for
PolyModel support
        else:  # DLypka Patch for PolyModel support
            tablename = table.kind()

In Method     def _create(self):
   #Note: The specific class names are hardcoded in the following if()
stmts for brevity in this snippet.
   #      This hard coding is replaced in my complete version of my
   #      with a new named parameter 'gaebaseclass'
   #      added into the define_table() method in
        if self._tablename == 'MyGAEBaseDALnr':
            self._tableobj = classobj(self._tablename,
(MyGAEBaseDALnr, ), myfields)
        elif self._tablename == 'MyGAEBaseDALnrSegment':
            self._tableobj = classobj(self._tablename,
(MyGAEBaseDALnrSegment, ), myfields)
            self._tableobj = classobj(self._tablename,
(google_db.Model, ), myfields)
        return None


In your applications\init\models\

                db.Field('idDALnr',db.DALnr),    # web2py reference to

myDALnrNativeInstance00keys = db.DALnr.insertNative
(level=0,name='DALnr_01')  # I cloned insert() but I return a dict()
with the native ref as well as id
myDALnrNativeInstance00 = myDALnrNativeInstance00keys['nativeRef']
myDALnrNativeInstance00id = myDALnrNativeInstance00keys['id']

rows=db( > 0).select()
for row in rows:
    myDALnrInstance00 = row  # NOTE: There is only a single row here,
so myDALnrInstance00  will be the row we just inserted into the web2py

myDALnrSegmentNativeInstance00_00keys = db.DALnrSegment.insertNative
(idDALnr = myDALnrNativeInstance00id, level=0,
myDALnrSegmentNativeInstance00_00 =
myDALnrSegmentNativeInstance00_00.linkToDALnr =
myDALnrNativeInstance00 # Link this child to its parent

myDALnrSegmentNativeInstance00_00.put()  # This rewrites (updates) the
entity to have the updated value in linkToDALnr set in the previous

# <=== NOTE This is the Interesting part !!! =======
links1 = myDALnrNativeInstance00.linksToDALnr  # <=== NOTE: this
property was AUTOMATICALLY maintained by the automatic bidirectional
nature of the ReferenceProperty, so that the 'parent' has a list of
refs to its related children, without any explicit code to add
# links1 is a google.appengine.ext.db.query
# It is a db.Query

# loop on links1 which is a column on the parent entity and see what
you get:
for key in links1:
    childref = key  # childref is (magically) a MyGAEBaseDALnrSegment
which is a child of MyGAEBaseDALnr

-- End of DALnr Snippets for GAE ---

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