On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com>wrote:

> On Aug 15, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> BTW - I am still VERY STRONGLY for using the same font on all these logos;
> let's address that.
> Yes.
> I'm not a fan of leaving out the non-stylized W; it's going to be
> confusing, and it won't work when 'web2py' is underneath the symbol. Also,
> the symbol isn't that obvious a W; it doesn't hurt to repeat it.

I think leaving it out for an optional logo is fine (I think it looks good,
and I think we also need a logo w/ the normal font "w").

> I'm sure that the W can be adapted to a favicon, too.
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> It's clear to me we need a SET of icons, all very similar....
>> THIS one here shows an option for use on dark backgrounds;
>> The one Massimo put forth, for light backgrounds (and corner / square
>> spaces);
>> Joe also proposed one (which I like) for smaller space (one less letter,
>> and esthetically pleasing) - which would also be good to mimic in this "for
>> light / for dark backgrounds"
>> That would give us 3 base logos, each with 2 color schemes (one for use on
>> dark backgrounds; one for use on light).
>> I think this is a completely reasonable mix, and not at all too much.
>> What does every one else think?
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Make it a white background, it's easier to print shirts and other kinds
>>> of logos.
>>> On Sat, 2009-08-15 at 18:36 +0200, newsv...@tiscali.it wrote:
>>> > Another possibility for the logo. I sent it that way because  I didn't
>>> > know how to.
>>> > It's in low quality, only for a generic taste comparation.
>>> >
>>> > Torna a grande richiesta l'offerta estiva di Tiscali Photo !! Non
>>> > rinuniciare ai tuoi ricordi. Stampa le tue foto a soli 0,09 euro
>>> >
>>> > >
> >

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