The decorators


work on any function, work on gae and are efficient.

You mail also want to build functions like

def record(query):
     if auth.has_permission(...):
          return db(query).select(....)
          return db(query)(subquery)(....)

Hope this helps.

On Aug 9, 4:28 pm, Benigno <> wrote:
> Hello,
>   I'd like to pose a question, that is probably quite basic, but I do
> not see any way to do it right (by right meaning something that
> doesn't take too many queries, processor, ram or looks really nasty on
> the code).
>   So, I would like to know what is the best way to set up an
> authorisation process that filters data by different fields depending
> on the authorisation of the given user. On its most basic form,
> imagine that I am setting up a service app, that allows different
> companies to sign in and pay for a number of users. Those users
> grouped by department.
>   I would like that they are able to set up the access rights for each
> of those users, so that once they set a user with accesss to a certain
> department (or several departments), anything he does is filtered for
> those he has access only (this may span any number of tables in which
> data may be company/department specific). Of course this for many
> different companies.
>   The second part of my question is: What would be the best way to set
> it up so that it works nicelly in GAE?.
> Thanks in advance,
>        Benigno.
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