  I'd like to pose a question, that is probably quite basic, but I do
not see any way to do it right (by right meaning something that
doesn't take too many queries, processor, ram or looks really nasty on
the code).

  So, I would like to know what is the best way to set up an
authorisation process that filters data by different fields depending
on the authorisation of the given user. On its most basic form,
imagine that I am setting up a service app, that allows different
companies to sign in and pay for a number of users. Those users
grouped by department.

  I would like that they are able to set up the access rights for each
of those users, so that once they set a user with accesss to a certain
department (or several departments), anything he does is filtered for
those he has access only (this may span any number of tables in which
data may be company/department specific). Of course this for many
different companies.

  The second part of my question is: What would be the best way to set
it up so that it works nicelly in GAE?.

Thanks in advance,

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