If you can provide a minimalist example of code you want to port, I can 
help convert it.

On Sunday, 1 December 2024 at 19:53:17 UTC-8 vinid...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello Massimo, 
> Since web2py is very very slow (according to a benchmark I've seen), I'm 
> interested in moving to py4web but I'm not sure how to handle the 
> transition.
> My web2py app is used as a service layer communicating with the JavaScript 
> frontend via json-rpc.
> It uses web2py JWT tokens for auth.
> How can I handle the same architecture in py4web?
> On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 9:10:05 AM UTC+7 Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> You may have noticed I am not very active on this mailing list. That is 
>> mostly because I have been concentrating my energy on py4web which I think 
>> is must more modern and faster than web2py.
>> Once again I want to encourage you to move.
>> If you look at this page
>>      https://py4web.com/#why
>> You will find it to be very familiar:
>> - has an admin interface (called _dashboard)
>> - has an dbadmin interface
>> - same pyDAL
>> - same template language
>> - same helpers
>> - same session interface
>> - similar but better Form
>> - similar but better Grid (still evolving)
>> - different request object but compatible with bottlepy
>> - different auth logic but support for more Oauth2 services (github, 
>> okta, facebook, etc.)
>> - different but similar background scheduler
>> Here are some instructions about how to move from web2py to py4web
>> web2py currently works for python2.7 and python3.7+ but they are using a 
>> frozen version of pydal. This no longer works on Google App Engine. So how 
>> do we fix it?
>> I am considering the following:
>> - freezing web2py for Python 2.7 and stopping support.
>> - continuing limited support of web2py for python3.7+ and specifically 
>> upgrade pydal for the lastest. 
>> - upgrade pydal so that it continues to work on Google App Engine for 
>> both web2py and py4web.
>> My questions are: Is this worth it? Have people moved from python2.7 to 
>> 3.7+ already? Are people here interested in continuing to use web2py with 
>> GAE?
>> Massimo

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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