It is very encouraging to know people have moved to python 3. :-)

On Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 22:16:03 UTC-4 wrote:

> On Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 7:10:05 PM UTC-7 Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> You may have noticed I am not very active on this mailing list. That is 
> mostly because I have been concentrating my energy on py4web which I think 
> is must more modern and faster than web2py.
> Once again I want to encourage you to move.
> I am interested in moving, but I keep leaving corners on my tuits.  I 
> don't seem to get them round.
> BTW, does the javascript for the views have support for a) session storage 
> and b) identifying tabs?
> [...] 
> web2py currently works for python2.7 and python3.7+ but they are using a 
> frozen version of pydal. This no longer works on Google App Engine. So how 
> do we fix it?
> I am considering the following:
> - freezing web2py for Python 2.7 and stopping support.
> - continuing limited support of web2py for python3.7+ and specifically 
> upgrade pydal for the lastest. 
> - upgrade pydal so that it continues to work on Google App Engine for both 
> web2py and py4web.
> My questions are: Is this worth it? Have people moved from python2.7 to 
> 3.7+ already? Are people here interested in continuing to use web2py with 
> GAE?
> Massimo
> I'm no longer supporting a production instance of a web2py app  but I have 
> a small public hobby app on digital ocean (python reasonably current 3.x), 
> and some personal toy apps which I maybe will make somewhat useful for 
> other people.  The toys are running on 3.10.7 on windows using the source 
> package (still on 2.22.5 for the moment).
> I've been meaning to file a bug report; one of the tuits is supposed to be 
> for writing up the details, but basically at some point in version history 
> the admin panel stopped sending all the required info needed to make the 
> "next 
> 100" button work.  The resulting page has an empty query box, an error 
> message "cannot be empty", and a url like "[...]
> /appadmin/select/db?start=100".  This issue seems to have been in since 
> at least 2.21.x, maybe longer.
> I've very much enjoyed using web2py over the years, beginning with a 
> development lab application for controlling test equipment.  I had a need 
> for SOAP, and whatever package I used led me to web2py (likely 
> pysimplesoap, but I don't have my lab notes since that lab was closed).  
> Eventually I was using web2py for providing a repository for customer dumps 
> used by the support team.  And of course, it grew features like being  an 
> update server for product firmware and applications.  Ah, fun.
> I keep reading the py4web Google Group, so I have some idea of what goes 
> on with the New Kid, but still working from my comfort zone.
> Dave S
> /dps

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