Hi Massimo
I have several web2py applications in production. Big systems that would be 
difficult to move to py4web as they are growing all the time. But we're 
using Python 3.8.

Also, GAE is not relevant to us

Web2py has been fantastic. 

On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 2:11:23 AM UTC-6 Clemens wrote:

> Hello Massimo,
> I'm a vital web2py user with a 3 systems in production. I've moved to 
> python 3.7+ (currently 3.8) a long time ago.  I'm using postgres as 
> database, thus for me GAE would not be relevant.
> But I'm really interested in any support and security updates of web2py.
> I would like to migrate to py4web. The only but big obstacle is time. As 
> soon as I find the time I'm gonna move to py4web.
> Thanks a lot for web2py and your work!
> Best regards
> Clemens
> On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 4:10:05 AM UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> You may have noticed I am not very active on this mailing list. That is 
>> mostly because I have been concentrating my energy on py4web which I think 
>> is must more modern and faster than web2py.
>> Once again I want to encourage you to move.
>> If you look at this page
>>      https://py4web.com/#why
>> You will find it to be very familiar:
>> - has an admin interface (called _dashboard)
>> - has an dbadmin interface
>> - same pyDAL
>> - same template language
>> - same helpers
>> - same session interface
>> - similar but better Form
>> - similar but better Grid (still evolving)
>> - different request object but compatible with bottlepy
>> - different auth logic but support for more Oauth2 services (github, 
>> okta, facebook, etc.)
>> - different but similar background scheduler
>> Here are some instructions about how to move from web2py to py4web
>> web2py currently works for python2.7 and python3.7+ but they are using a 
>> frozen version of pydal. This no longer works on Google App Engine. So how 
>> do we fix it?
>> I am considering the following:
>> - freezing web2py for Python 2.7 and stopping support.
>> - continuing limited support of web2py for python3.7+ and specifically 
>> upgrade pydal for the lastest. 
>> - upgrade pydal so that it continues to work on Google App Engine for 
>> both web2py and py4web.
>> My questions are: Is this worth it? Have people moved from python2.7 to 
>> 3.7+ already? Are people here interested in continuing to use web2py with 
>> GAE?
>> Massimo

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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