
After hours, I found this post:


They helped me solve it, although I believe there must be another better 
way to solve it.

Now I've posted a PWA App on Google Play that runs web2py!


It's just a demo layout, but it's functional and any changes just need to 
be made on the server, no more daily updates to the user via Google Pay, 
everything will be runtime.

Many thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Daniel Guilhermino

Em terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2019 12:02:58 UTC-3, Daniel Guilhermino 
> Any other suggestions?
> Em sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019 21:57:34 UTC-3, Daniel Guilhermino 
> escreveu:
>> Hi Dave,
>> I'm running the source package on ubuntu.
>> Show Only this message:
>> Internal server error
>> Doesn't created an ticket.
>> I need to make this file available for Google to validate my PWA and run 
>> the application (I made an apk and uploaded it on Google Play as TWA) 
>> without showing the navigation bar.
>> This file contains sha256_cert_fingerprints.
>> Thanks and best regards.
>> Em sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019 19:07:39 UTC-3, Dave S escreveu:
>>> On Friday, May 31, 2019 at 7:54:16 AM UTC-7, Daniel Guilhermino wrote:
>>>> HI,
>>>> I'm having trouble exposing a file in the following way:
>>>> https://example.com/./well-known/file.json
>>>> I configured my routes.py like this:
>>>> routers = dict (
>>>>      # base router
>>>>      BASE = dict (
>>>>          default_application = 'connect',
>>>>          root_static = ['favicon.ico', 'sw.js', 'well-known / 
>>>> file.json'],
>>>>      ),
>>>> )
>>>> routes_in = (
>>>>          ('well-known / file.json', '/app/static/file.json'),
>>>>      )
>>>> routes_out = ('/app/static/file.json','well-known/file.json')
>>>> *Note:*
>>>> *The file are in static folder, I don't created 'well-known' folder.*
>>>> But web2py crashes ...
>>> Crashes in what way?  Does the web2py.exe (or from source, python 
>>> web2py.py) exit?
>>> Or do you get an entry in myapp/errors that includes a traceback?
>>> What gets displayed by the crash?
>>> Do you really have spaces around the '/' after 'well-known' ?
>>>> Any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?
>>>> Thanks in advance and best regards!
>>> Good luck!
>>> /dps

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