On Friday, May 31, 2019 at 7:54:16 AM UTC-7, Daniel Guilhermino wrote:
> HI,
> I'm having trouble exposing a file in the following way:
> https://example.com/./well-known/file.json
> I configured my routes.py like this:
> routers = dict (
>      # base router
>      BASE = dict (
>          default_application = 'connect',
>          root_static = ['favicon.ico', 'sw.js', 'well-known / file.json'],
>      ),
> )
> routes_in = (
>          ('well-known / file.json', '/app/static/file.json'),
>      )
> routes_out = ('/app/static/file.json','well-known/file.json')
> *Note:*
> *The file are in static folder, I don't created 'well-known' folder.*
> But web2py crashes ...

Crashes in what way?  Does the web2py.exe (or from source, python 
web2py.py) exit?
Or do you get an entry in myapp/errors that includes a traceback?
What gets displayed by the crash?
Do you really have spaces around the '/' after 'well-known' ?

> Any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?
> Thanks in advance and best regards!

Good luck!


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