Let me just say that this is a positive step that was needed. Here are
some benefits so everyone is clear:
1. Fosters more of a team atmosphere among developers (internal team)
2. Gives Massimo a better idea about who are the start contributors
among the team, and can therefore invite them into the administrative
control role (i.e. control website, etc.).
3. Gives the rest of the users a chance to see that there is active
development going-on
4. Keeps the web2py-users page clean from internal advanced web2py
developer chatter
5. Makes developers feel special ;P   which they BADLY need :D (I am
not one on web2py). Recognition will motivate them even further to
take this framework where it could not go before.
6. It is a sign that this framework has reached a stage in its life
where it must grow/evolve--this means it is prospering!!  Users should

beers at /pub for everyone!

- Happy web2py user

On Jul 18, 11:10 am, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Joe Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > I am surprised at this division of groups.  Web2py does not have so
> > much traffic that it is a burden to have all messages in one group.
> > The intent is *precisely* to exclude people from certain
> > conversations.  There really can be no other reason for setting up a
> > "developers" group with gated write access.  The answer to "certain
> > comments taken out of context" is more and better communication, not
> > restricted lists of high priests vs. commoners.
> Joe -
> This is your interpretation (and not the only one).   This was a suggestion
> from this list.
> A mixture of topics was confusing and distracting people who just have use
> questions (as opposed to strategy, long term vision, etc.).
> I interpret the limited write status (a starting state) as one specifically
> useful to keep discussions focused by people with longer experience,
> precisely so things stay constructive (don't devolve into opinion wars,
> etc.).
> You are entitled to your opinions and interpretations - but that is what
> they are: your interpretations (and NOT  "...no other reason...").
> Own it - YOU don't like the split;  YOU would do it differently; YOU are
> suspicious of the intent or motivation.
> _I_ am not.
> - Yarko
> > This strikes me as very heavy-handed and autocratic.  This is not a
> > good sign for our project.  You have set the barrier for participation
> > in web2py very high by this move.  Honestly I am very surprised that
> > anybody (esp. Massimo) thinks this is a good idea.
> > Warm regards,
> > Joe Barnhart
> > On Jul 17, 5:39 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > One more thing... this is not at all intended to exclude people from
> > > important conversations.
> > > If you feel one way or another you can still bring it up here.
> > > It is just that sometime some comments may be taken out of context
> > > from new users and be interpreted in the wrong way.
> > > Let's see how it works out. If you have any suggestion to improve let
> > > me know.
> > > Massimo
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