On Jul 11, 2009, at 2:43 PM, John Divon wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for all the replies!
> The point is that I can estimate the time the page is loaded if I am
> using python time object at the controller, save it into the session
> and then, at the end of the page, diff it with another python time
> object.
> However, this solution estimates only the time the page is loaded -
> which is usually very fast. Apparently, what I need to know is how
> much time it took the user to see the page.... on some old mobile
> devices, it takes up to 30 secs. before the page is displayed
> (including opening the wap link) and I need to know if this is the
> case.
> In addition, I am actually serving http pages and not wap pages -
> don't know yet if this is an issue with response time since basically,
> the connection with old phones is wap.
> BTW - I can see the phone model by using request.env.http_user_agent
> Thank you all.

That reminds me: the JQuery method assumes, obviously, that the mobile  
phone supports JavaScript.

I use a mobile phone detector on a weather page that I maintain 
) that does divides mobile phones into two groups: smartphones  
(Windows, Android, Pre, iPhone) vs the others. The first group is  
really a very different category.

FYI, here's the list; it's Perl, so translate accordingly. It assumes  
that you check mobile_agents first.

my @mobile_agents = (
        'LG-TU915 Obigo', # LG touch browser
        'LGE VX',
        # Palm Pre is reportedly Mozilla/5.0 (webOS/1.0; U; en-US)  
AppleWebKit/525.27.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/1.0 Safari/525.27.1  
        'webOS',          # Palm Pre
        'WebOS',          # Palm Pre (just in case)
        '\bPre/',         # Palm Pre

my @pda_agents = (
        '2.0 MMP',
        'Nintendo Wii',
        'Nitro', # Nintendo DS
        'Opera Mini',
        'PlayStation Portable',
        'Symbian OS',
        'Windows CE',

> On Jul 12, 12:29 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2009, at 1:29 PM, John Divon wrote:
>>> I have an application that serves mobile users as well.
>>> For the mobile users, I need to be able to find out if loading the
>>> page takes too much time.
>>> I know that the user uses his mobile to view the page since it is a
>>> specific page that has been pushed to his mobile.
>>> How can I know the time it took the page to be displayed on the  
>>> user's
>>> mobile phone, and if it was successfully displayed?
>> One possibility is to use JQuery to send back an AJAX message via the
>> load event.
>> See this:http://docs.jquery.com/Events/load
>> (Don't confuse 'load' with 'ready'; the latter fires as soon as the
>> DOM is built, and before all the other stuff has been loaded.)
> >

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