On Jul 11, 2009, at 1:29 PM, John Divon wrote:

> I have an application that serves mobile users as well.
> For the mobile users, I need to be able to find out if loading the
> page takes too much time.
> I know that the user uses his mobile to view the page since it is a
> specific page that has been pushed to his mobile.
> How can I know the time it took the page to be displayed on the user's
> mobile phone, and if it was successfully displayed?

One possibility is to use JQuery to send back an AJAX message via the  
load event.

See this: http://docs.jquery.com/Events/load

(Don't confuse 'load' with 'ready'; the latter fires as soon as the  
DOM is built, and before all the other stuff has been loaded.)

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