"Good morning, Dave.." :)

Actually here I was looking for the decode_credential meaning, which I 
guess is for database encryption, but I would have like it better to have a 
description of its use, its handling (does it suffice to encrypt the 
database or do I need to encrypt the database myself and then, provide 
credentials to w2p to allow it to use it, etc..). For example, I didn't 
know what is connection pooling but looking at the doc in the book allow me 
to assess and decide if I need it or not, and at least to understand the 
basic function.

Furthermore, I understand that w2p is not fully compatible with python3, so 
I was ok to encounter some difficulties. But when I try to ascend in the 
code (I use pycharm), I find many functions with the same name with no doc 
explaining its purpose or parameters types. And as a far from experimented 
developer, I found it very difficult to sort out my own mistakes, from my 
computer's bugging attitude (yes it does.. sometimes) and the w2p faulty 
code if there is. Less now because I know that it can happen, but I spent a 
lot of time, some not so often times I know, trying to correct things in my 
code and in fact looking at the wrong place.

This is what led me to change to django, which at least, when I have an 
error : I am 99% sure that it is my fault (yes I heard you in the back... 
That you're pretty sure that it is the same with w2p :) ). And also, they 
have detailed tutorials, for each version of the software (which w2p 
doesn't need as it is 100% compatible between versions... Mostly).

That being said, after playing around with w2p, I can say that when I 
follow some dj tutorials, now I am able to say : oh ok they are doing that 
for this reason, this other thing for that other reason. Because I could 
play a lot with functioning applications in web2py, but I am afraid that 
the magic behind w2p still remains magic for me today. And there comes the 
philosophical question : is good coding better teaching than good 
documentation ? I think that we need both. I encounter django first and I 
didn't like it because I didn't understand the why behind the 
code/documentation (app code structure, relation between static and non 
static ressources/servers, their gluttonous appetite for external python 
tools, etc...). I then turned to web2py and understood the why. But now 
that I want to understand the how, I find deeper meaning in the django docs 
(I may be dumber than the average (yes you in the back, I heard that 
too...) but I just understood lately, for example, that it is better to 
freeze the software version in time to work an app).

As I'm still playing and haven't started my "super app" :) yet, I may be 
back to w2p later. All the more so as Massimo seems to want to develop a 
new soft which will behave more like django, fully compatible with python3. 
So I kind of taking some advance into the comprehension of this one. ;)

But I still humbly think documentation as the key to a better teaching and 
that the official website should unite it all : recent tutorials, detailed 
class api references and the book as a general insight of the software 
(even if some of you find some information redundant or self explaining, 
dumb newbies need redundancy and even useless explanations). I am even 
willing to help on the matter if you can find some use for my lack of 
competence. :D But for this too, there must be a place where all 
improvements are displayed in real time (maybe it is but I don't know 
where) : for example, I tried to translate a part of the book a few months 
ago, all for realise when I was finished that it was already done.

Thanks to all that are still awake.

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 9:24:04 PM UTC+1, Dave S wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 7:59:19 AM UTC-8, Lars wrote:
>> I really didn't want to argue on this, I just said how I feel, that's 
>> all. Sorry if I offended anyone.
> I don't think it was a matter of offense (although I'm not Anthony, I've 
> had a chance to see his work here); more a matter of making sure the thread 
> has the most accurate information for other people who read (or will read) 
> these posts, and to give you any help that you might want to pick up on.
> What did you feel was missing in the documentation?  What were you trying 
> to do at the time?
> /dps
>> On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 4:52:18 PM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 4:22:44 AM UTC-5, Lars wrote:
>>>> Hi Anthony,
>>>> > I think that convers most of the arguments
>>>> Actually 11 on 24...
>>> I count 19 out of 24 documented in the DAL chapter of the book and 2 
>>> additional (after_connection and table_hash) documented at 
>>> http://pydal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. The only arguments that appear 
>>> to be undocumented are debug, db_uid, and tables, and you probably don't 
>>> need those (not saying they shouldn't be documented, but you make the 
>>> situation sound much worse than it is).
>>> Anthony

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