In general Python and Ruby in terms of syntax have more similarities
then differences. If you know one you can learn the other in minutes.
There are some difference, for example
- Ruby does not use indentation to delimit blocks
- Python has more libraries
In my experience Python is more mature. Last time I used Ruby (2 years
ago) I found the interpreter to be buggy. At the time Python was also
much faster. They say this has changed but I do not know for sure.


On Jul 9, 8:11 pm, eric cs <> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am a newbie and Python and amazed by Web2py so I was wondering....
> Can you compared them for me? As far as best features, closures,mixins
> and etc?
> Which one is easier to a newbie learn and why?
> I do know they look like each other but I saw some people saying
> Python is more mature than Ruby.
> Although Python and it's frameworks has much less books than Ruby and
> Rails.
> Some people like that because leaves Python on the
> underground...hackers...heheh
> Thanks.
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