On Friday, May 12, 2017 at 11:59:43 AM UTC-7, Toe Khaing Oo wrote:
> It works on data parsing .. But I have some difficulties with this. There 
> are many students to update record into table. How can I insert one student 
> by one. 
> Thanks for your help 

It sounds like you want a table that can be updated.  

You might want to take a look at SQLFORM.grid
I would use this perhaps to record attendance in a class if the list of 
students was not changing much.

(There are also some javascript "spreadsheet" tools available 
(datatables.net seems to be popular in this group;
Tom Campbell had an example that did *display*, back at the end of '15, but 
that doesn't show *updating* the db).
<URL: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/z0TVv2pbWGw/discussion>)

If you want a form where you select an individual student, and the system 
figures out which class to update, and you do this one student at a time, 
then SQLFORM may be the place to start (perhaps using the "linkto" 

If you already have the data in a file (a CSV file,perhaps), then look at 
the import techniques at

> On Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 6:03:07 PM UTC-7, pbreit wrote:
>> I think you're on the right track. It's a personal thing but I like 
>> defining my tables in the singular (ie, class, student, attendence).
>> As Donald indicated, your current model is best suited for each student 
>> only being in one class (which is fine for elementary school). It would 
>> work for students taking multiple classes but each student would be 
>> represented multiple times in DB.
>> I don't think "default=db.classes.id" is going to work.
>> You could have some controllers like:
>> def class_list():
>>   classes = db(db.classes.id>0).select()
>>   return dict(classes=classes)
>> def class():
>>   class = db.classes(request.args(0, cast=int)) or 
>> redirect(URL('class_list'))
>>   students = db(db.students.class_id==class.id).select()
>>   return dict(class=class, students=students)
>> def attendance():
>>   db.attendance.update(class_id=request.vars.class_id, 
>> student_id=request.vars.student_id, Attend=attendance)
>>   response.flash = 'Attendance recorded'
>>   redirect URL('class_list', args=[class_id])
>> Once you get this working, you could investigate an Ajax approach.

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