I'm building student attendance app. It has 3 databases, *class*, *student *and 

                Field('name', notnull=True, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now),
                format = '%(name)s')

                Field('name', notnull=True, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                Field('class_id', db.classes),
                Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now),
                format = '%(name)s'

                Field('class_id', db.classes, default= db.classes.id),
                Field('student_id', db.students),
                Field('Attend', notnull=True, requires = IS_IN_SET(['Absent'
, 'Present']), default='Present'),
                Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now)

I wanna show specific class like this .. 

Class - A 
students list 
1. John Doe       [Absent/Present] <- which is selection option
2. Smith            [Absent/Present]
[Submit] <- which is submit button 

When user checks absent or present for a specific student and click submit, 
all records will insert into attendance table. 
How should I write controller function?

Best Regards .. 

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