On Jul 3, 7:33 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2009, at 5:26 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Thank you. I will fix this as soon as I have time although this is not
> > a priority since it is only an example app BUT if you find other
> > similar problems in admin or examples or welcome and could submit a
> > patch that would be excellent.
> Glad to.
> Do you have an established format and procedure for patches?
I can summarize the procedure this way:
0) check on the mailing list that a patch is necessary
1) email me the patch to save time
2) you there is no action in 24 posted it on google code
> Also, I note that the issue of the empty form action <form action="">
> for self-submission came up on this list back in IIRC January of this
> year. It's too bad it's not legal, since interpretation as self-
> submission would be reasonable, and in fact all browsers so interpret
> it. But it won't verify.
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