am not using LOAD helper. Maybe i should. 

this is my html
<div class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 10px;">

    {{=A(T('Report'), _class='btn btn-primary', 
_href=URL('script','excelExport',  args = request.args[0]))}}

And my controller code which at the end

data = open(tmpfilename,"rb").read()
response.headers['Content-Disposition']='attachment;filename=%s.xlsx' % 
return data

Do you suggest another approach. I want to serve excel file

Thank you

On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 1:49:30 AM UTC+1, Dave S wrote:
> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 6:18:00 AM UTC-8, Yebach wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have call to controller function on button click that serves back a 
>> download file. 
>> Since this can take a while (up to 10 seconds), i would like to create 
>> some sort of progress bar or smth for user so he/she knows smth is going on 
>> in the background and does not click 10 times.
>> Any solutions/suggestions?
> If you're using the LOAD helper, the content arg specifies a message to 
> display.
> {{loadmsg = CAT("loading ...", BR(), SPAN(_class="fa fa-spinner 
> fa-spin"))}}
> {{=LOAD(c='makestuff', f='stuff2.load', target='my_stuff', 
> content=loadmsg, ajax=True)}}
> fa-spinner is an object that the browser animates via CSS, but you can put 
> text, or other stuff there (I have also used a font that provides 
> animation)).  Someone in the group pointed me at the resource, which is a 
> website that generates a CSS clip based on your choice of colors, etc. 
>  Someone in the group pointed me at it, so the URL should be in the group 
> archives.
> If you're using ajax directly, I think you'd want your onclick function to 
> display your "loading" message  before calling ajax().
> If you are providing a button or link that is just directing the user to 
> another page, you may want an onclick handler to display a flash message or 
> unhide a "please wait" message.
> This is a javascript issue, mostly (AIUI).
> /dps

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