If you want to see if a particular item is in the stored list, the correct 
method has always been .contains(), not .belongs(). Using the later doesn't 
really make sense in this context (.belongs() is for checking whether a 
single value stored in a database field is in a list of values -- we are 
doing the opposite here, checking whether a single value is in a list 
stored in a database field).


On Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 12:26:55 PM UTC-4, Leonardo Pires Felix 
> Looks like that the belongs function to the "list:<type>" has changed to 
> the "contains", that's correct?
> Em sábado, 28 de março de 2015 12:43:56 UTC-3, Leonardo Pires Felix 
> escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> I think on last update the belongs stoped working.
>> I've a table that is defined like this:
>> db.define_table("regra_entrada",
>>                 Field("descricao", notnull=True, represent=nome, requires
>> =[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_UPPER()]),
>>                 Field("data_inicial", "date", widget=SQLFORM.widgets.
>> string.widget, represent=campo_date_dia_semana,
>>                       default=request.now.date() + datetime.timedelta(
>> days=1), notnull=True),
>>                 Field("data_final", "date", notnull=True, widget=SQLFORM.
>> widgets.string.widget,
>>                       represent=campo_date_dia_semana),
>>                 # Definido as delimitações abaixo
>>                 Field("modo", "integer", widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.
>> widget, notnull=True,
>>                       represent=lambda v, l: _dic_modo[v] if v is not 
>> None else None, requires=IS_IN_SET(_dic_modo)),
>>                 Field("notificacao_sms", "boolean", notnull=True, default
>> =True),
>>                 Field("notificacao_email", "boolean", notnull=True, 
>> default=True),
>>                 Field("turnos", "list:integer", represent=lambda l, v: ", 
>> ".join([db.turno(i).sigla for i in l]),
>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.turno, multiple=True, 
>> label=db.turno._format)))
>> Then, it's populated like this:
>> >>> print db(db.regra_entrada.id > 0).select()
>> regra_entrada.id,regra_entrada.descricao,regra_entrada.data_inicial,
>> regra_entrada.data_final,regra_entrada.modo,regra_entrada.notificacao_sms
>> ,regra_entrada.notificacao_email,regra_entrada.turnos
>> 19,OUTRO TESTE,2015-03-25,2015-05-01,0,True,True,|2|3|1|
>> The problem is, i'm pretty sure that belongs should be working on this 
>> case, as i have already tested it on early versions. But now belongs not 
>> work, this is the outpout for belongs of field "turnos" with "3"(that is on 
>> the table, on the previous output):
>> >>> print db(db.regra_entrada.turnos.belongs([3])).select()
>> regra_entrada.id,regra_entrada.descricao,regra_entrada.data_inicial,
>> regra_entrada.data_final,regra_entrada.modo,regra_entrada.notificacao_sms
>> ,regra_entrada.notificacao_email,regra_entrada.turnos
>> Maybe something was changed on the version i'm using? Or some specific 
>> change to the postgres DAL?
>> Web2py version: 2.9.12-stable+timestamp.2015.
>> Rocket 1.2.6, Python 2.7.9
>> OS: Debian 8(wheezy)
>> Postgres: "PostgreSQL 9.4.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by 
>> gcc-4.9.real (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2, 64-bit"

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