Which web2py version was working ? What was the sql output?
As you mentioned, replacing belongs with contains fixed the problem.

On Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 6:53:50 PM UTC+1, Leonardo Pires Felix wrote:
> Not working too on the version for testers, in this case using sqlite. 
> Example:
> db.define_table("business_day",
>                Field("description", notnull=True),
>                Field("week_days", "list:integer", notnull=True))
> db.business_day.insert(description='first week january 2015', week_days=[3
> ,4])
> 1L
> >>> print db(db.business_day.id>0).select()
> business_day.id,business_day.description,business_day.week_days
> 1,first week january 2015,|3|4|
> >>> db(db.business_day.week_days.belongs([3])).select()
> <Rows (0)>
> >>> db(db.business_day.week_days.belongs([3]))._select()
> "SELECT  business_day.id, business_day.description, 
> business_day.week_days FROM business_day WHERE (business_day.week_days IN 
> ('|3|'));"
> Em sábado, 28 de março de 2015 13:27:28 UTC-3, Massimo Di Pierro escreveu:
>> Can you please try the "for testers" version on the web site? Can you 
>> provide a simpler example to reproduce the problem?
>> On Saturday, 28 March 2015 10:43:56 UTC-5, Leonardo Pires Felix wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think on last update the belongs stoped working.
>>> I've a table that is defined like this:
>>> db.define_table("regra_entrada",
>>>                 Field("descricao", notnull=True, represent=nome, 
>>> requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_UPPER()]),
>>>                 Field("data_inicial", "date", widget=SQLFORM.widgets.
>>> string.widget, represent=campo_date_dia_semana,
>>>                       default=request.now.date() + datetime.timedelta(
>>> days=1), notnull=True),
>>>                 Field("data_final", "date", notnull=True, widget=SQLFORM
>>> .widgets.string.widget,
>>>                       represent=campo_date_dia_semana),
>>>                 # Definido as delimitações abaixo
>>>                 Field("modo", "integer", widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.
>>> widget, notnull=True,
>>>                       represent=lambda v, l: _dic_modo[v] if v is not 
>>> None else None, requires=IS_IN_SET(_dic_modo)),
>>>                 Field("notificacao_sms", "boolean", notnull=True, 
>>> default=True),
>>>                 Field("notificacao_email", "boolean", notnull=True, 
>>> default=True),
>>>                 Field("turnos", "list:integer", represent=lambda l, v: ", 
>>> ".join([db.turno(i).sigla for i in l]),
>>>                       requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.turno, multiple=True, 
>>> label=db.turno._format)))
>>> Then, it's populated like this:
>>> >>> print db(db.regra_entrada.id > 0).select()
>>> regra_entrada.id,regra_entrada.descricao,regra_entrada.data_inicial,
>>> regra_entrada.data_final,regra_entrada.modo,regra_entrada.
>>> notificacao_sms,regra_entrada.notificacao_email,regra_entrada.turnos
>>> 19,OUTRO TESTE,2015-03-25,2015-05-01,0,True,True,|2|3|1|
>>> The problem is, i'm pretty sure that belongs should be working on this 
>>> case, as i have already tested it on early versions. But now belongs not 
>>> work, this is the outpout for belongs of field "turnos" with "3"(that is on 
>>> the table, on the previous output):
>>> >>> print db(db.regra_entrada.turnos.belongs([3])).select()
>>> regra_entrada.id,regra_entrada.descricao,regra_entrada.data_inicial,
>>> regra_entrada.data_final,regra_entrada.modo,regra_entrada.
>>> notificacao_sms,regra_entrada.notificacao_email,regra_entrada.turnos
>>> Maybe something was changed on the version i'm using? Or some specific 
>>> change to the postgres DAL?
>>> Web2py version: 2.9.12-stable+timestamp.2015.
>>> Rocket 1.2.6, Python 2.7.9
>>> OS: Debian 8(wheezy)
>>> Postgres: "PostgreSQL 9.4.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by 
>>> gcc-4.9.real (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2, 64-bit"

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