Note that there is an issue with show_if!topic/web2py/dnbPyALwZKE

On Friday, November 7, 2014 5:37:27 PM UTC-5, Jeremiah Peterson wrote:
> Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. That worked perfectly!
> On Friday, November 7, 2014 4:11:09 PM UTC-6, DenesL wrote:
>> Hi Jeremiah,
>> the show_if hides the whole row as it applies a display:none to it.
>> In the custom forms we can only access individual components, not the 
>> whole row (AFAIK).
>> But, you can get it work by including an element with the same id as the 
>> row that is being hidden, e.g.
>> <div id="news_link__row">Link: {{}}<br></div>
>> Denes.
>> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 8:56:10 PM UTC-5, Jeremiah Peterson wrote:
>>> My controller is this.
>>> def news_create():
>>> = (
>>> = 0
>>>     form = SQLFORM(
>>>     return locals()
>>> And the view is this.... thanks so much for looking.
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> <h2>New Item</h2>
>>> {{=form.custom.begin}}
>>> Type: {{=form.custom.widget.category}}<br><br>
>>> Title: {{=form.custom.widget.title}}<br><br>
>>> Link: {{}}<br><br></div>
>>> Comment: {{=form.custom.widget.comment}}<br><br></div>
>>> {{=form.custom.submit}}
>>> {{=form.custom.end}}
>>> The html comes out like this.
>>> <foraction="#"enctype="multipart/formdatamethod="post">Type: <select 
>>> class="generic-widget" id="news_category" name="category"><option value=
>>> </option><option value="2">ask</option><option value="1">share</option>
>>> </select><br><br>Title: <input class="string" id="news_title" name="
>>> title" type="text" value="" /><br><br>Link: <input class="string" id="
>>> news_link" name="link" type="text" value="" /><br><br></div>Comment: 
>>> <textarea 
>>> class="text" cols="40" id="news_comment" name="comment" rows="10">
>>> </textarea><br><br></div><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>
>>> I tried to wrap the Title line and Link line with some divs with ID's 
>>> and then tried to show/hide them using javascript depending on what the 
>>> drop down value was for category field. For some reason I wasn't able to 
>>> make that work either. I could get it working in jsfiddle, but then when I 
>>> put that js in my view it wouldn't work. I've never done any js coding 
>>> before though so wasn't real confident on what I was doing. 
>>> Basically what I'm trying to do is if the person chooses ask, they 
>>> should see the comment input, and then if these choose share, they see the 
>>> link input field. 
>>> Jeremiah
>>> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:35:57 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> Can you show us your form? Do you use {{=form.custom.widget[field]}} or 
>>>> <input..../>. The latter is not supposed to work
>>>> On Thursday, 6 November 2014 09:45:10 UTC-6, Jeremiah Peterson wrote:
>>>>> in my controller I have 
>>>>> = (
>>>>> In my view if I just use {{=form}} then it will only show the 'link' 
>>>>> field if the category field is set to 1. 
>>>>> However if I use {{=form.custom.begin}} so can I can place my form 
>>>>> fields in the order I want, it doesn't make that link field conditional 
>>>>> any 
>>>>> longer. 
>>>>> Is there a way to fix this, or is there a way to use {[=form}} and 
>>>>> have my fields show up in the order I want them too?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jeremiah

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