Hi Jeremiah,

the show_if hides the whole row as it applies a display:none to it.
In the custom forms we can only access individual components, not the whole 
row (AFAIK).

But, you can get it work by including an element with the same id as the 
row that is being hidden, e.g.

<div id="news_link__row">Link: {{=form.custom.widget.link}}<br></div>


On Thursday, November 6, 2014 8:56:10 PM UTC-5, Jeremiah Peterson wrote:
> My controller is this.
> def news_create():
>     db.news.link.show_if = (db.news.category==1)
>     db.news.votes.default = 0
>     form = SQLFORM(db.news)
>     return locals()
> And the view is this.... thanks so much for looking.
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <h2>New Item</h2>
> {{=form.custom.begin}}
> Type: {{=form.custom.widget.category}}<br><br>
> Title: {{=form.custom.widget.title}}<br><br>
> Link: {{=form.custom.widget.link}}<br><br></div>
> Comment: {{=form.custom.widget.comment}}<br><br></div>
> {{=form.custom.submit}}
> {{=form.custom.end}}
> The html comes out like this.
> <foraction="#"enctype="multipart/formdatamethod="post">Type: <select class
> ="generic-widget" id="news_category" name="category"><option value=
> </option><option value="2">ask</option><option value="1">share</option>
> </select><br><br>Title: <input class="string" id="news_title" name="title" 
> type="text" value="" /><br><br>Link: <input class="string" id="news_link" 
> name="link" type="text" value="" /><br><br></div>Comment: <textarea class
> ="text" cols="40" id="news_comment" name="comment" rows="10"></textarea>
> <br><br></div><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>
> I tried to wrap the Title line and Link line with some divs with ID's and 
> then tried to show/hide them using javascript depending on what the drop 
> down value was for category field. For some reason I wasn't able to make 
> that work either. I could get it working in jsfiddle, but then when I put 
> that js in my view it wouldn't work. I've never done any js coding before 
> though so wasn't real confident on what I was doing. 
> Basically what I'm trying to do is if the person chooses ask, they should 
> see the comment input, and then if these choose share, they see the link 
> input field. 
> Jeremiah
> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:35:57 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Can you show us your form? Do you use {{=form.custom.widget[field]}} or 
>> <input..../>. The latter is not supposed to work
>> On Thursday, 6 November 2014 09:45:10 UTC-6, Jeremiah Peterson wrote:
>>> in my controller I have 
>>> db.news.link.show_if = (db.news.category==1)
>>> In my view if I just use {{=form}} then it will only show the 'link' 
>>> field if the category field is set to 1. 
>>> However if I use {{=form.custom.begin}} so can I can place my form 
>>> fields in the order I want, it doesn't make that link field conditional any 
>>> longer. 
>>> Is there a way to fix this, or is there a way to use {[=form}} and have 
>>> my fields show up in the order I want them too?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeremiah

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