On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 01:03:43 UTC+10, Chris Green wrote:
> LaDarrius Stewart <ladarriu...@gadgroup.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > [-- text/plain, encoding quoted-printable, charset: UTF-8, 52 lines --] 
> > 
> > Like this? 
> > 
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1928/basic-inline-editing-in-sqlformgrid-no-plugin-no-javascript
> > 
> Yes, that's pretty much what I'm after. 
Hi. I wrote the slice. I've used it a few times. 

> Just a couple of questions:- 
>     By "The basic idea is to use represent to show a field in the grid 
>     as an INPUT tag" does it mean that what this does is enable 
>     editing fields 'in place' which isn't what the basic SQLFORM.grid 
>     offers? 

Yes. Any field that you use the represent logic on will be editable because 
it is rendered as an INPUT. 


>     It also says "to add a submit button to SQLFORM.grid", but there 
>     isn't a submit button. 

the slice shows you how to do that. Look at the use of selectable when the 
grid is created. This will give you a submit button.

>     Does the bit about boolean checkboxes just mean that these are 
>     rather more difficult to implement? (I don't need them). 
It means that you need to follow the guidance and use the example 
boolean_widget as provided.  They are not more difficult, it is just not 
obvious to do it that way.

>     Presumably the plugin_SQLFORM_INLINE plugin is an alternative way 
>     to do the same thing - using a plugin and some javascript. 

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