
Am Dienstag, 3. Juni 2014 22:08:19 UTC+2 schrieb Chris Green:
> This may be trying to run before I can walk but never mind!  :-) 
> Is it easy to create a grid type table editing form in web2py?  I just 
> want an easy way to edit an existing table, edit existing fields and 
> add new rows.  It's just simple data, text and numeric fields in a 
> sqlite3 database. 
> I want to edit the data in place, no pop-up forms or windows, just 
> click on a field and edit the data, tab to the next field and the 
> changed data is saved (could be delayed to when on leaves the form but 
> I don't want to have to do any explcit 'save' action). 
> Add a new row at the bottom by tab off the last field of the last 
> existing row or maybe cursor down on last row or just have an empty 
> row always at the bottom (like MS Access). 
> The table will already exist and I want to see all the columns, no 
> need for views or selects (though I might find uses for them in the 
> future). 
> This is to run on an existing system (xubuntu 14.04) running apache2 
> web server with various bits and pieces already running on it.  I'm 
> fairly happy with installing web apps and use Python quite a lot for 
> small scripts but I haven't really worked with a development framework 
> like web2py before. 
> -- 
> Chris Green 

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