what web2py version are you on ?

On Friday, October 24, 2014 3:01:23 AM UTC+2, Henry Nguyen wrote:
> Niphlod,
> That does not appear to be the case, either for request.restful() requests 
> or regular controller requests. For example, consider this controller 
> method:
> def test():
>     logger.debug(request.env.content_type)
>     logger.debug(request.post_vars)
>     logger.debug(request.body.read())
>     return
> With the request data as a JSON array of objects, such as:
> [{"id":1, "is_read":true}]
> I get the following logs:
> 2014-10-23 17:51:47,488 DEBUG test.py test():14 : application/json
> 2014-10-23 17:51:47,490 DEBUG test.py test():15 : <Storage {}>
> 2014-10-23 17:51:47,490 DEBUG test.py test():16 : [{"id":1, 
> "is_read":true}]
> With the data as a JSON object, such as
> {"id":1, "is_read":true}
> I get the following logs:
> 2014-10-23 17:54:46,468 DEBUG test.py test():14 : application/json
> 2014-10-23 17:54:46,469 DEBUG test.py test():15 : <Storage {u'is_read': 
> True, u'id': 1}>
> 2014-10-23 17:54:46,470 DEBUG test.py test():16 : {"id":1, "is_read":true}
> Note that request data is not parsed into request.post_vars. This would 
> make sense to me; since request.post_vars is a Storage object which 
> inherits from a Python dictionary, there would be no dictionary key to 
> store the array value, no?
> Henry
> On Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:16:00 AM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>> if the content-type of the POST request is application/json, "mylist" 
>> would actually be yet parsed into request.post_vars (i.e. you can skip 
>> body.read())
>> On Thursday, October 23, 2014 1:24:09 AM UTC+2, Henry Nguyen wrote:
>>> For posterity's sake, I was able to retrieve the array in the request 
>>> body by using:
>>> import json
>>> my_list = json.loads(request.body.read())
>>> and then iterating through the list items just like any other list. This 
>>> was taken from http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/04#request 
>>> under request.body.
>>> Thanks for letting me know that request.restful() wouldn't parse it 
>>> automatically, Niphlod.
>>> Henry
>>> On Monday, October 13, 2014 12:25:54 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>>> you have to code your own methods.
>>>> On Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:32:23 PM UTC+2, Henry Nguyen wrote:
>>>>> I have a function in my controller decorated with the 
>>>>> @request.restful() decorator. I would like to be able to accept a JSON 
>>>>> array of objects, 
>>>>> [{"id": 1, "new_value": 1},{"id": 2, "new_value": 2}]
>>>>> , on a POST, PUT, or DELETE. For example, I'd like the client to be 
>>>>> able to update a series of values on one request, as opposed to having to 
>>>>> submit multiple requests for each individual update. However, the args 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> vars parameters being passed to the methods are empty when a request is 
>>>>> sent with the JSON payload above. Specifically, args only gets populated 
>>>>> from URL args and vars only get populated if the array is accompanied by 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> key, such as in:
>>>>> {"update": [{"id": 1, "new_value": 1},{"id": 2, "new_value": 2}]}
>>>>> While it certainly isn't too much trouble to include that initial 
>>>>> key, I was wondering if there's any way to retrieve the JSON objects 
>>>>> from the request without having to specify the key so that I could pass a 
>>>>> simple array instead?  
>>>>> Thank you ahead of time for any help.

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