you have to code your own methods.

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:32:23 PM UTC+2, Henry Nguyen wrote:
> I have a function in my controller decorated with the @request.restful() 
> decorator. I would like to be able to accept a JSON array of objects, 
> [{"id": 1, "new_value": 1},{"id": 2, "new_value": 2}]
> , on a POST, PUT, or DELETE. For example, I'd like the client to be able 
> to update a series of values on one request, as opposed to having to submit 
> multiple requests for each individual update. However, the args and vars 
> parameters being passed to the methods are empty when a request is sent 
> with the JSON payload above. Specifically, args only gets populated from 
> URL args and vars only get populated if the array is accompanied by a key, 
> such as in:
> {"update": [{"id": 1, "new_value": 1},{"id": 2, "new_value": 2}]}
> While it certainly isn't too much trouble to include that initial key, I 
> was wondering if there's any way to retrieve the JSON objects from the 
> request without having to specify the key so that I could pass a simple 
> array instead?  
> Thank you ahead of time for any help.

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