Just for posterity's sake, I put the check into a custom decorator and used 
that new decorator instead:

def requires_login(function):

    def check_is_logged_in(*args, **kwargs):
        if not auth.is_logged_in():
            raise HTTP(401, json.dumps(dict(content='Unauthorized.')))
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    return check_is_logged_in

def function():

Thanks again for the help, Leonel.


On Thursday, September 4, 2014 11:22:41 AM UTC-7, Henry Nguyen wrote:
> That is definitely a viable option... not as clean as the decorator but 
> certainly functional. Thank you Leonel :)
> Henry
> On Thursday, September 4, 2014 11:17:47 AM UTC-7, Leonel Câmara wrote:
>> Ohh, in this case, instead of modifying tools.py I would drop the 
>> auth.requires_login() decorator and use auth.is_logged_in to check inside 
>> the function. Something like:
>> @request.restful()
>> def api():
>>     def GET(*args,**vars):
>>         return dict()
>>     def POST(*args,**vars):
>>         return dict()
>>     def PUT(*args,**vars):
>>         return dict()
>>     def DELETE(*args,**vars):
>>         return dict()
>>     if not auth.is_logged_in():
>>         raise HTTP(403, YOUR_JSON_ERROR)
>>     return locals()

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