I have a method decorated with the following decorators:


On an unauthenticated (non-logged-in) request, I get a 403 response with 
"Not authorized" in the response body, per default settings. I would like 
to be able to modify this response to be JSON. I've tried modifying the 
following auth.settings as follows:

def json_response():
    import json
    raise HTTP(403, json.dumps(dict(content='Not authorized')))

auth.settings.on_failed_authentication = json_response
auth.settings.on_failed_authorization = json_response

However, I continue to receive the "Not authorized" string in the response 
to the RESTful method instead of the JSON. Upon further digging, I found 
line 3448 in gluon/tools.py with the following:

elif self.settings.allow_basic_login_only or \
        basic_accepted or current.request.is_restful:
    raise HTTP(403, "Not authorized")

It seems like methods with the @request.restful() decorator simply cannot 
be overridden to return a custom response on unauthenticated requests, at 
least without modifying tools.py. Is this correct?

Thanks ahead of time for any help.

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