I just checked what was being sent via POST, and it's not submitting an 
empty variable corresponding with the select name.  Now could this be 
because the select tag isn't an input tag?  I'm not an html pro yet, so 
small details like this are something i will learn with time.  Any 
suggestions on workarounds?  Should I have a hidden input field that stores 
what is in the select field? or should I use a different form inside of a 
form (not even sure that is possible).

Thanks for any suggestions


On Monday, July 21, 2014 10:38:38 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> Yes, you're allowed to bump. Use the browser developer tools to see what 
> gets sent to the server when you submit the form. Perhaps the problem is 
> with the JavaScript on the client side.
> Anthony
> On Monday, July 21, 2014 8:18:30 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:
>> Am I allowed to bump in this forum? if not this shall be the last 
>> time...most likely
>> On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:43:56 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:
>>> <select id="selected-exercises" multiple="" name="exercises">
>>>   <option value="2" class="btn btn-default">Bench</option>
>>> </select>
>>> They get added through javascript from the first select element.
>>> On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:14:17 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>> The first select has no name, and the second one has no options.

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