Is the value available in request.post_vars.selections?

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 3:37:38 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:
> So I'm trying to build a multiple select box where i move things from a 
> select box on the left and put them on the right.  I have the values moving 
> correctly through javascript but when i submit the form it doesn't pick up 
> the value in the form.vars.
>  forms = dict()
> forms[0] = SQLFORM(db.stuff, submit_button='Create')
> forms[0].element(_type='submit')['_class']='btn'
> forms[0][0].insert(-1, TR(A("Add", \
>                                         _id="add", \
>                                         _class="btn btn-default btd-md" ), 
> _id="buttons"))
> forms[0][0].insert(-1, TR(sbox, SELECT(_id="selected", _name="selections", 
> _multiple=""),**sbox_attributes))
> forms[0][0].insert(-1, TR(A("- Remove", \
>                                         _id="remove", \
>                                         _class="btn btn-default btd-md" ) 
> ,_id="buttons"))
> I add the button in a TR then the two SELECT boxes, sbox is a predefined 
> SELECT box with prepopulated with options.  How do I get the form to submit 
> the the values of the select box with name="selections"?  Do i need to use 
> a custom form? just using the plain FORM tags?
> Also as a side note, so on this page i have multiple forms, but could 
> potentially be hundreds of forms, hence the dictionary of forms.  Is it 
> better to send all the forms at once when the page is loaded? or should I 
> only send the id's of the records and then when clicked send the forms?

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