I agree, the book should say that. Let me add that users don't have control 
over messages that originate in the gluon code, so they can't be explicit 
about them. They will *always* risk messages changing in their app.
I like the general design of web2py's translation code. The issue is more 
in the way it can get used. When gluon devs write messages in English, they 
seed the temptation for future devs to change the message text, thus 
breaking existing localizations. The only way around this would be to avoid 
plain English altogether and write messages as symbols, say M01, M02, and 
so on, with no discernible link between the symbol and its meaning. Then 
web2py would need to ship an en.py file that translates the symbols into 
English. It's a lot of work - just like localizing an app and keeping up 
with message updates is a lot of work. It's a compromize, I think the devs 
had better spend their time on improving/extending web2py's functionality. 
Maybe in the future web2py will be as popular as libre office or mozilla 
and have a large and focused localization team liike they do that takes 
care of this type of issues.

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 5:07:13 AM UTC+1, Anthony wrote:
> Perhaps the book should note that messages are not guaranteed to remain 
> the same and recommend that users be explicit about messages if they don't 
> want to risk them changing in their app.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 4:40:01 PM UTC-5, Tim Richardson wrote:
>> Also note some labels on SQLFORM.grid have changed. 'Add' is now 'Add 
>> Record'. 
>> The search widget: "New" is now "New Search" "And" is now "+ And" "Or" is 
>> now "+ Or". The "plus sign" is a character, not an icon (unlike the Add 
>> Record button, which uses an icon for "+")
>> There are tooltips as well. "Start building a new search", "Add this to 
>> the search as an AND term", "Add this to the search as an OR term"
>> (these changes take effect in the next release)
>> On Thursday, 6 February 2014 02:16:30 UTC+11, step wrote:
>>> Maybe it would help in some cases, but I don't think it would work in a 
>>> general sense. Some languages may rely on case-sensitivity to provide 
>>> different translations of a sentence. If T() had an option to look up 
>>> case-insensitively web2py devs would need to know all target languages 
>>> before they could evaluate if it's safe to call such option on a sentence 
>>> in the gluon code.
>>> Mmm, maybe a global setting could work better than a new argument to 
>>> T(). An app developer could set a global setting that affects the way T() 
>>> looks up its translation keys for gluon and all other modules/application 
>>> files.
>>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 12:00:11 PM UTC+1, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:
>>>>  Will making the translator (T) use the messages in a case-insensitive 
>>>> manner eliminate the need to do this?
>>>> I am not sure what needs to be done here exactly, but am guessing it 
>>>> goes in here 
>>>> https://github.com/web2py/web2py/blob/7bc603f38053ec80cbce9f25c4413aae550c7b4f/gluon/languages.py,
>>>> with look ups done for completely lower-cased messages?
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> Kiran Subbaramanhttp://subbaraman.wordpress.com/about/
>>>> On Wed, 05-02-2014 3:24 PM, step wrote:
>>>> Just a heads up to those who localized their apps and upgrade to a 
>>>> recent web2py version - I noticed this change in upgrading from 2.6.4 to 
>>>> 2.8.2.
>>>> A number of error messages in file gluon/validators.py have changed by 
>>>> capitalizing the error message, e.g., 'value not in database' became 
>>>> 'Value 
>>>> not in database'.
>>>> You need to change your language files to match the new spelling 
>>>> otherwise non-localized messages will start popping up in your forms.
>>>>  grep -E 'error_message ?=' gluon/validators.py
>>>>  -- 
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>>>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>>>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>>>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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