On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:31 AM, dlypka <dly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry I am not clear regarding your reply.
> Let me rephrase the question:
> If your company selects web2py as its development tool,
> what platform do you expect to run web2py on -
>   .NET (in which case I believe web2py would be using Iron Python),

As an application, web2py requires Python interpreter to run.  Or a Python
compatible interpreter.
It requires a webserver to host it as a webapplication (and comes with a
builtin server as default).
It usually uses a database server for persistent store.

web2py can be hosted by several web webservers (e.g. can run under it's own
included cherrypy based;  can run under Apache;   etc.)

It can use any of several database servers.  The db server needs to be
accessible on the network  to web2py; there is no reason they need to be on
the same physical server.

.NET is a software framework intended to be installed on Windows (but there
is Mono);
It includes a virtual machine, and libraries.

web2py is not specifically designed nor expected to run under .NET - as you
say, that would imply running under the IronPython interpreter --  the .NET
parallel of jython for Java VM.

web2py is written and tested under C-Python, that is the Python interpreter
written in C, and compiled natively to target.  web2py requires Python 2.5.2
or later (I think that's correct); it is known to have problems under 2.6.1,
but works fine under 2.6.2. Any VM that that runs a Python 2.5.2 compatible
interpreter and libraries may be able to run web2py.

>       or
>   Non .NET such as the usual web2py distro for Windows XP (but with
> an Enterprise flavor of the SQL Engine and Web server)?

I know people have had web2py run as a windows service (which implies using
the builtin cherrypy based server, not IIS);  There have been some AlterEgo
postings about getting web2py to run under IIS - you can check those also.

Database server and web server are separate questions:  you can run web2py
(for example) on ubuntu under Apache and mod_wsgi, and connect to a SQL
Server running on Windows-Server for the database backend.

Most discussions you see here are about web2py running under C-Python's on
various native targets - Linux, Mac, Windows, as well as GAE (which, I
guess, is also a native C-Python running on a "cloud").

You may be facing more considerations - for example working alongside
webapplications written in a .NET language.  If you just want to extend
those, and write in python, then IronPython might be a viable path.

If you want to use web2py facilities for managing web requests, that is a
different consideration (you can potentially interact with .NET solutions
through webservices)

Hope this was helpful.

- Yarko

> On May 22, 8:51 am, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > I believe it will be run completely on .net, not Iron Python.
> >
> > On May 22, 8:29 am, dlypka <dly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Do you intend to run on .NET (Iron Python?) or completely non .NET?
> >
> > > On May 21, 2:06 pm, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >
> > > > I'm trying to convince a client to go with web2py vs. with asp/.net.
> > > > I'm wondering if anyone could offer some comparisons of the two that
> > > > could give me some ammunition to make my case?- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> >

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