wait a sec. before (< 2.6.0) the js to "trigger" the load was inlined, but 
web2py.js HAD to be available nonetheless to make that happen. What's 
changed is that now web2py.js takes also care of the "trigger".

def test2()
    ret = DIV(XML("test2 <br>"))
    ret.append(LOAD(f='test3', ajax=True))
    return ret

def test3():
    return DIV('test 3')

Opening test2 as it is and hoping that it loads test3 doesn't work in  > 
2.6.0 AND doesn't work in < 2.6.0 , because neither test2 nor test3 load 

Il giorno lunedì 14 ottobre 2013 15:43:21 UTC+2, Michael Helbling ha 
> Yes, but there was no need to load the js two times on the same page < 
> 2.6. Even if there was an ajax call between the initially page load and the 
> LOAD. 
> if you import the web2py.app.test251.w2p into w2p 2.5.1, you will see, 
> this behavior worked before the upgrade. And there are a lot of these Loads 
> in 7 different applications. 
> Do you mean something like this?
> def test2():
>     ret = DIV(XML("test2 <br>"))
>     ret.append(XML("<script src='/test272/static/js/jquery.js' 
> type='text/javascript'></script>"))
>     ret.append(XML("<script src='/test272/static/js/web2py.js' 
> type='text/javascript'></script>"))
>     ret.append(LOAD(f='test3', ajax=True))
>     return ret
> *This works :/ but this will cause a lot of work to find and expand every 
> ajax call which has a LOAD in it. 
> If you have an idea, how to solve this properly in an other way, please 
> let me know. 
> Else, thanks a lot for your support and patience! It's good to know the 
> reason, even if I can not solve it immediately :D
> Am Montag, 14. Oktober 2013 14:54:36 UTC+2 schrieb Niphlod:
>> You aren't using any view if you return raw HTML tags (as in return 
>> DIV('...'))
>> Il giorno lunedì 14 ottobre 2013 14:38:02 UTC+2, Michael Helbling ha 
>> scritto:
>>> hmm, in the view test.html is the layout included, in the layout the 
>>> web2py_ajax.html and there are the js included.? :S
>>> do you mean the web2py_ajax.html? 
>>> i tried to copy the app to w2p 2.5.1 too, but it seems there were some 
>>> changes, that needs more changes to migrate an app to a lower version :/ 
>>> sorry, i didn't test this direction before..
>>> if i create a new simple app in w2p 2.5.1, insert the code for the test 
>>> functions and views. It works. I attached the app from 2.5.1 
>>> (web2py.app.test251)
>>> then i packed the app and installed it in w2p 2.7.2. After this, i 
>>> copied the web2py.js, jquery.js and appadmin controller/view as in the 
>>> changelog described. But the load still doesn't work. I attached this app 
>>> too (web2py.app.test272.w2p) 
>>> are there more files that needs an update? *i'm not sure which template 
>>> you mean
>>> Am Montag, 14. Oktober 2013 13:55:05 UTC+2 schrieb Niphlod:
>>>> of course it doesn't..... but it won't work even with pre-2.6.0 
>>>> releases ..... you aren't including the template which holds the js to 
>>>> load 
>>>> the component! :D 
>>>> Il giorno lunedì 14 ottobre 2013 08:13:36 UTC+2, Michael Helbling ha 
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> Dear Niphlod
>>>>> Attached is a minimal App. In w2p 2.7.2 i just created a new simple 
>>>>> application and inserted the test code, I posted last time. The load of 
>>>>> "test3" doesn't work and in the div is just "loading..."
>>>>> I tried it on 2 different pcs (at home and work) in firefox and 
>>>>> chrome, so the client shouldn't be the problem. Can you reproduce the 
>>>>> problem with the attached app? the whole code is original, except the 3 
>>>>> test functions in the default controller and the view default/test.html
>>>>> Am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013 22:15:22 UTC+2 schrieb José L.:
>>>>>> El 11/10/2013 21:52, "Niphlod" <nip...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > talking about minimal app, heh.... anyway, better than nothing.
>>>>>> I know, but I am answering from my phone, without a PC available ;)
>>>>>> > taken movuca, setupped, doesn't work (as advertised in web2py's 
>>>>>> changelog).
>>>>>> > Take web2py.js from welcome and overwrite web2py.js in 
>>>>>> /static/bootstrap/js/web2py.js
>>>>>> > Next issue, movuca ships jquery 1.7.1 (november 2011). 
>>>>>> > web2py.js requires something jquery having $.parseHTML ... update 
>>>>>> jquery too and you'll only receive a problem about 
>>>>>> bootstrap-transition.js, 
>>>>>> that is trying to do something with the (now unsupported) $.browser.
>>>>>> > Update bootstrap-transition.js and movuca works like a charm.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> I will check it again, maybe I made some mistake copying those files, 
>>>>>> but I knew this has to be done.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> > tl;dr : movuca just needs a few upgrades to work.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:19:01 PM UTC+2, José L. wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Movuca app from Bruno, available at Github has this behaviour.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> El 11/10/2013 21:05, "Niphlod" <nip...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> can you pack a minimal app to reproduce the behaviour please ? I 
>>>>>> can't reproduce the issue you're seeing
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> On Friday, October 11, 2013 8:55:19 AM UTC+2, Michael Helbling 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> yes, jquery.js and web2py.js are configured in web2py_ajax.html 
>>>>>> and jquery.js is preceding web2py.js:
>>>>>> >>>> {{
>>>>>> >>>> response.files.insert(0,URL('static','js/jquery.js'))
>>>>>> >>>> response.files.insert(1,URL('static','css/calendar.css'))
>>>>>> >>>> response.files.insert(2,URL('static','js/calendar.js'))
>>>>>> >>>> response.files.insert(3,URL('static','js/web2py.js'))
>>>>>> >>>> response.files.insert(4,URL('static','js/jquery.blockUI.js'))
>>>>>> >>>> response.include_meta()
>>>>>> >>>> response.include_files()
>>>>>> >>>> }}
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> The workaround from José works. After replacing the 
>>>>>> compileapp.py through the old one, every load is working again. I'll 
>>>>>> take a 
>>>>>> closer look at the file in the afternoon. 
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013 21:15:40 UTC+2 schrieb Niphlod:
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> is jquery.js preceding web2py.js in your layout.html ?
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> On Thursday, October 10, 2013 8:27:04 AM UTC+2, Michael 
>>>>>> Helbling wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> Yes, i already copied the web2py.js, appadmin controller and 
>>>>>> views from the latest welcome app to all my apps. 
>>>>>> >>>>>> Without copying the web2py.js, no load worked. But even with 
>>>>>> the latest web2py.js, not all loads are working. that's my problem and i 
>>>>>> don't know why some load doesn't work. In version 2.5.1 with the old 
>>>>>> web2py.js all loads worked and in version 2.7.1 with the new web2py.js 
>>>>>> ~30% 
>>>>>> of the loads in our app don't work anymore. 
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> as described, i don't know what to try anymore. May you can 
>>>>>> give me a hint what i could try additionally? 
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013 18:53:02 UTC+2 schrieb Massimo Di 
>>>>>> Pierro:
>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>> You need to copy web2py.js from the latest welcome app into 
>>>>>> your old app.
>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>  
>>>>>> >>>>>> On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 04:57:20 UTC-5, Michael Helbling 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>> First of all to avoid this question: Yes I copied the 
>>>>>> appadmin and javascript file from the welcome app to my own app ;-) 
>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>>  
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> -- 
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>>>>>> > - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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