talking about minimal app, heh.... anyway, better than nothing.
taken movuca, setupped, doesn't work (as advertised in web2py's changelog).
Take web2py.js from welcome and overwrite web2py.js in 
Next issue, movuca ships jquery 1.7.1 (november 2011). 
web2py.js requires something jquery having $.parseHTML ... update jquery 
too and you'll only receive a problem about bootstrap-transition.js, that 
is trying to do something with the (now unsupported) $.browser.
Update bootstrap-transition.js and movuca works like a charm.

tl;dr : movuca just needs a few upgrades to work.

On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:19:01 PM UTC+2, José L. wrote:
> Movuca app from Bruno, available at Github has this behaviour.
> El 11/10/2013 21:05, "Niphlod" < <javascript:>> escribió:
>> can you pack a minimal app to reproduce the behaviour please ? I can't 
>> reproduce the issue you're seeing
>> On Friday, October 11, 2013 8:55:19 AM UTC+2, Michael Helbling wrote:
>>> yes, jquery.js and web2py.js are configured in web2py_ajax.html and 
>>> jquery.js is preceding web2py.js:
>>> {{
>>> response.files.insert(0,URL('**static','js/jquery.js'))
>>> response.files.insert(1,URL('**static','css/calendar.css'))
>>> response.files.insert(2,URL('**static','js/calendar.js'))
>>> response.files.insert(3,URL('**static','js/web2py.js'))
>>> response.files.insert(4,URL('**static','js/jquery.blockUI.js'**))
>>> response.include_meta()
>>> response.include_files()
>>> }}
>>> The workaround from José works. After replacing the 
>>> through the old one, every load is working again. I'll take a closer look 
>>> at the file in the afternoon. 
>>> Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013 21:15:40 UTC+2 schrieb Niphlod:
>>>> is jquery.js preceding web2py.js in your layout.html ?
>>>> On Thursday, October 10, 2013 8:27:04 AM UTC+2, Michael Helbling wrote:
>>>>> Yes, i already copied the web2py.js, appadmin controller and views 
>>>>> from the latest welcome app to all my apps. 
>>>>> Without copying the web2py.js, no load worked. But even with the 
>>>>> latest web2py.js, not all loads are working. that's my problem and i 
>>>>> don't 
>>>>> know why some load doesn't work. In version 2.5.1 with the old web2py.js 
>>>>> all loads worked and in version 2.7.1 with the new web2py.js ~30% of the 
>>>>> loads in our app don't work anymore. 
>>>>> as described, i don't know what to try anymore. May you can give me a 
>>>>> hint what i could try additionally? 
>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013 18:53:02 UTC+2 schrieb Massimo Di Pierro:
>>>>>> You need to copy web2py.js from the latest welcome app into your old 
>>>>>> app.
>>>>> On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 04:57:20 UTC-5, Michael Helbling wrote:
>>>>>> First of all to avoid this question: Yes I copied the appadmin and 
>>>>>> javascript file from the welcome app to my own app ;-) 
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