> "Just create an Auth group that is to be allowed access to this page and 
>> specify the "role" of that group in auth.settings.auth_manager_role"
> I think the correct spelling is *auth.settings.manager_group_role*, am I 
> right? 
No, this was changed in trunk, please read the above posts for the details. 

> "First, there is /appadmin/manage/auth, which is a special page 
>> specifically for managing Auth users, roles, and permissions"
> When I add 
> auth.settings.manager_group_role = 'manager'
> on my db.py, and the I log in with a "manager user", when I go on 
> /appadmin/manage/auth 
> I can manage all tables in my database, not only users roles and 
> permissions.
> Have I missed something?
Yes, the new functionality is explained above. You'll need the version in 
trunk for the newer functionality.


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