One more thing -- you can override the default /appadmin/manage/auth by 
providing an "auth" key in auth.settings.manager_actions with a custom dict 
for that action (this makes it possible to specify a custom heading or 
limit which Auth tables are included). In that case, you'll still get some 
special Auth related customizations (re-labeling some columns and links to 
more user-friendly labels, hiding ID columns, setting default sort order, 
etc.) -- if you don't want those customizations and instead want complete 
control, then just create a custom manager_action with a name other than 


On Friday, June 14, 2013 12:13:17 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> Trunk now includes some new functionality in appadmin to allow specially 
> designated administrative users of an app to manage specific tables in the 
> database.
> <>
> First, there is /appadmin/manage/auth, which is a special page 
> specifically for managing Auth users, roles, and permissions (see 
> screenshot above). Just create an Auth group that is to be allowed access 
> to this page and specify the "role" of that group in 
> auth.settings.auth_manager_role. Then anyone assigned to that Auth group 
> will have access to the page.
> You can also create any number of custom db management pages much like the 
> /appadmin/manage/auth page via the new auth.settings.manager_actionssetting, 
> which is a dict of dicts. An example looks like this:
> auth.settings.manager_actions = dict(
>     db=dict(role='Admin', heading='Manage Database', tables=db.tables),
>     things=dict(role='Thing Manager', heading='Manage Things', db=other_db
> ,
>                 tables=['things', 'stuff', 'more_stuff']),
>     content=dict(role='Content Manager',
>                  tables=[content_db.articles,,content_db
> .comments])
> )
> The keys of the auth.settings.manager_actions dict are URL args that go 
> after /appadmin/manage -- so the above allows /appadmin/manage/db, 
> /appadmin/manage/things, and /appadmin/manage/content.
> Each item in auth.settings.manager_actions is a dict with "role", 
> "heading", "tables", and "db" keys:
>    - *role*: Specifies the "role" of the Auth group that should be 
>    allowed to access the page.
>    - *heading*: Specifies the heading to appear on the page, though it is 
>    optional -- if there is no "heading", it will use 'Manage %s' % 
>    request.args(0).replace('_', ' ').title() instead.
>    - *tables*: A list of DAL tables to include on the page. It can be 
>    either a list of table names or actual DAL table objects.
>    - *db*: Specifies the DAL object that contains the tables to be 
>    managed (you can specify the DAL object itself, or its variable name, 
> which 
>    will be looked up in globals()). The "db" key is optional -- if 
>    "tables" is a list of DAL table objects, the table objects themselves 
>    determine the db; and if "tables" is a list of table names, auth.db will 
> be 
>    used if no "db" key is specified (auth.db is the database used for the 
> Auth 
>    tables, which is typically the main app database).
> Note, access to these pages is controlled by the app's own Auth system, 
> not by the "admin" app (as with the rest of appadmin).
> Try it out and let us know if you run into any problems.
> Anthony


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