(continuing - sent it while not concluded)

So, if I bring this problem to this list, it's mainly because I believe
this is the right place for it.

And if you don't agree with that, ok. Just ruin it because you don't like

Marco Tulio

2013/4/10 Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto <mtcpo...@gmail.com>

> Ovidio,
> if you don't want to help, it's ok. Just don't help. Just don't speak for
> the others, ok?
> Also, what I state is that I have a problem with performance, that might
> be related to web2py (or not). I'm bringing up the environment I'm working
> with because it may help others to understand and help if they want to.
> Also, Web2py is a framework. And on all of it's versions and during all of
> it's development, people building it have done a tremendous effort to make
> it so that this framework can be used on a huge variety of different
> environments.
> These enviroments go from the classic "batteries included" on web2py, to
>  web2py running on windows, linux or mac, with apache or nginx, and even
> with a large amount of diferent databases.
> So, if I bring this problem to this list, it
> 2013/4/10 Ovidio Marinho <ovidio...@gmail.com>
>> You got a problem with web2py? , What you report is a performance of their
>> work environment and that you can mount a laboratory or hire a
>> consulting firm. Now if you have problems with web2py this list will help
>> you.
>>          Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
>>                  Web Developer
>>              ovidio...@gmail.com
>>                83   8826 9088 - Oi
>>                83   9336 3782 - Claro
>>                         Brasil
>> 2013/4/10 Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto <mtcpo...@gmail.com>
>>>  Hi!
>>> I have the following environment:
>>>    1. Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu 12.10
>>>    2. Nginx 1.2.1
>>>    3. Web2py 2.4.6-stable+timestamp.2013.
>>>    4. PostgreSQL (still 8.4, going to upgrade to 9.1 soon)
>>>    5. Installed using setup contained on /scripts directory.
>>> Everything is working fine, but I still feel that the overall response
>>> time / performance could be better.
>>> one thing that caught up my atention was that recently (after
>>> system/web2py upgrade) I have a higher use of memory and CPU.
>>> I was using Apache2 and it was going nuts (near 100% CPU/memory usage).
>>> Traded for Nginx and now what's getting some CPU/Memory is UWSGI (not
>>> 100% though).
>>> Pagespeed Insight (from Google) is ranking the site from 54 to 71
>>> (depending on the page) and it says I could do better on some aspects.
>>> So, right now what I'm thinking is if there's anything I could do to
>>> help improve performance or if I should start thinking on upgrading my EC2
>>> instance.
>>> Any thoughs on that?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marco Tulio
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> []'s
> Marco Tulio

Marco Tulio


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