if you don't want to help, it's ok. Just don't help. Just don't speak for
the others, ok?

Also, what I state is that I have a problem with performance, that might be
related to web2py (or not). I'm bringing up the environment I'm working
with because it may help others to understand and help if they want to.

Also, Web2py is a framework. And on all of it's versions and during all of
it's development, people building it have done a tremendous effort to make
it so that this framework can be used on a huge variety of different

These enviroments go from the classic "batteries included" on web2py, to
 web2py running on windows, linux or mac, with apache or nginx, and even
with a large amount of diferent databases.

So, if I bring this problem to this list, it

2013/4/10 Ovidio Marinho <ovidio...@gmail.com>

> You got a problem with web2py? , What you report is a performance of their
> work environment and that you can mount a laboratory or hire a consulting
> firm. Now if you have problems with web2py this list will help you.
>          Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
>                  Web Developer
>              ovidio...@gmail.com
>                83   8826 9088 - Oi
>                83   9336 3782 - Claro
>                         Brasil
> 2013/4/10 Marco Túlio Cícero de M. Porto <mtcpo...@gmail.com>
>> Hi!
>> I have the following environment:
>>    1. Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu 12.10
>>    2. Nginx 1.2.1
>>    3. Web2py 2.4.6-stable+timestamp.2013.
>>    4. PostgreSQL (still 8.4, going to upgrade to 9.1 soon)
>>    5. Installed using setup contained on /scripts directory.
>> Everything is working fine, but I still feel that the overall response
>> time / performance could be better.
>> one thing that caught up my atention was that recently (after
>> system/web2py upgrade) I have a higher use of memory and CPU.
>> I was using Apache2 and it was going nuts (near 100% CPU/memory usage).
>> Traded for Nginx and now what's getting some CPU/Memory is UWSGI (not
>> 100% though).
>> Pagespeed Insight (from Google) is ranking the site from 54 to 71
>> (depending on the page) and it says I could do better on some aspects.
>> So, right now what I'm thinking is if there's anything I could do to help
>> improve performance or if I should start thinking on upgrading my EC2
>> instance.
>> Any thoughs on that?
>> Cheers,
>> Marco Tulio
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Marco Tulio


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