When you run it as a service you don't want to log DEBUG statements, that 
are for debugging purposes....

If you installed web2py downloading the sourcecode, start it in a dos 
prompt (being in the same directory where web2py.py is)

python web2py.py -a yourpassword -D 0

If you installed web2py downloading the binary instead, start in a dos 
prompt (being in the same directory where web2py.exe is)

python web2py.exe -a yourpassword -D 0

On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 5:46:09 PM UTC+1, Andrew Buchan wrote:
> Not sure I follow... I run web2py as a service and the parameters are set 
> in options.py. There is no console window open at any point. I was just 
> wondering how I could have a console open that would display web2py's 
> output. 
> Perhaps this is more a windows question...
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Niphlod <nip...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> for future references ..... if you run web2py by
>> web2py.py -a yourpassword -D 0
>> the logging should be set to maximum possible level.
>> See if the error message is returned to the console..... in case the 
>> debug info is not printed, you may want to adjust logging.conf to set the 
>> root, web2py and the console handler to DEBUG (change lines "level=WARNING" 
>> to "level=DEBUG" accordingly)
>> On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:24:50 PM UTC+1, Andrew Buchan wrote:
>>> Update (and fix):
>>> We found that it connects to the mail server, but then disconnects with 
>>> 0 messages sent.
>>> After running web2py in such a way that it would tell me what's going on 
>>> (this install normally runs as a windows service with no console):
>>> >>anyserver.py -s rocket -p 8000 - l
>>> At which point I saw warnings:
>>> web2py.Mail.send failure:STARTTLS extension not supported by server.
>>> I fixed this by looking at the code and figuring that setting
>>> mail.settings.tls = False
>>> would disable TLS, which worked.
>>> ---
>>> I don't actually know if this warning message spat out to the console 
>>> only because I switched on the -l option calling anyserver.py, or whether 
>>> this normally gets churned out from web2py to the console.
>>> In fact, can anyone tell me how I get a web2py installation running as a 
>>> service to print messages to a console window?
>>> On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:37:01 AM UTC, Andrew Buchan wrote:
>>>> The password reset function is coming up with 'unable to send email', 
>>>> and it seems to be since I upgraded from 1.93.2 to 2.3.2, as it was 
>>>> working 
>>>> up until a couple of weeks ago before the upgrade (not necessarily 
>>>> correlated but seems likely). The email addresses for password reset exist 
>>>> on the system, and I am also able to send from my application using a 
>>>> different method (see below).
>>>> Here's what I've got in the dal/model:
>>>> mail=Mail()                                  
>>>> mail.settings.server= ''    
>>>> mail.settings.sender= 'the...@........a.com'      #  masked for 
>>>> posting question.
>>>> auth.settings.mailer = mail                   
>>>> auth.settings.registration_**requires_verification = True
>>>> auth.messages.verify_email = 'Click on the link 
>>>> http://'+request.env.http_**host+URL(r=request,c='default'**
>>>> ,f='user',args=['verify_email'**])+'/%(key)s to verify your email'
>>>> auth.settings.reset_password_**requires_verification = True
>>>> auth.messages.reset_password = 'Click on the link http://'+
>>>>       request.env.http_host+
>>>>       URL(r=request,c='default',f='**user',args=['reset_password'])**+
>>>>       '/%(key)s to reset your password'
>>>> Here's how I send emails in one of the modules used by my application, 
>>>> which works fine:
>>>> import smtlib
>>>> ....
>>>>     server = smtplib.SMTP('')
>>>>     server.sendmail(FROM, [to], msg_body )
>>>>     server.quit()   
>>>> Can anyone tell me how/what I should check? Apparently the McAffee 
>>>> antivirus isn't blocking anything, but that was just a quick verbal 
>>>> confirmation...
>>>>  -- 
>> --- 
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