I changed it so that auth.signature.is_active defaults to notnull=True. 
This makes sure what when added in a migration, it sets the default value 
for existing records.

Hope this does not break existing apps. If you have an existing app using 
auth.signature, please check this does not break it.


On Saturday, 22 December 2012 09:18:48 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:
> agreeing too. Someone applying versioning AFTER must know that he must set 
> all current records to True (maybe a note marked "important" on the 
> relevant section on the book may be appropriate).
> Better a one-time operation than large where conditions appearing 
> everywhere and killing performances.
> On Saturday, December 22, 2012 4:00:42 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I think we agree with each other. The problem is that somebody may add 
>> auth.signature later and therefore precent records will have 
>> is_active=None. The user will have to manually set is_active from None to 
>> True.
>> On Saturday, 22 December 2012 07:08:58 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:
>>> uhm....
>>> the thing is, if you have record versioning, all active records should 
>>> be marked with True. There's no point in record versioning if active 
>>> records can be False or True *or None*. They can be either True or 
>>> False to correctly identify the single active record on those tables..... 
>>> am I missing something ? 
>>> On Saturday, December 22, 2012 12:52:59 AM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>> wrote:
>>>> It is correct in the sense it is what I intended it to be. You are 
>>>> proposing a change of behavior. I see where you are coming from. Please 
>>>> open a ticket about this.
>>>> I would like to have some more opinions about this. Should None in 
>>>> is_active be treated as True?
>>>> On Friday, 21 December 2012 14:02:25 UTC-6, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
>>>>> SQL is incorrect.  
>>>>> is:  "AND supplier_contacts.is_active = 'T'"
>>>>> should be "AND (supplier_contacts.is_active = 'T' OR 
>>>>> supplier_contacts.is_active IS NULL)"
>>>>> On Friday, December 21, 2012 1:05:16 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>>> It looks to be the generated SQL is correct. It is possible you 
>>>>>> enabled record versioning and that added the common_filter 
>>>>>> is_active==True. 
>>>>>> Yet perhaps you have records with is_active=None and therefore they 
>>>>>> showed 
>>>>>> up before and not now.
>>>>>> On Friday, 21 December 2012 10:50:13 UTC-6, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
>>>>>>> Salient details from two tables:
>>>>>>> db.define_table(
>>>>>>>     'suppliers',
>>>>>>>     Field('name', length=256, required=True, notnull=True),
>>>>>>>     ....
>>>>>>> db.define_table(
>>>>>>>     'supplier_contacts',
>>>>>>>     Field('supplier_id', db.suppliers),
>>>>>>>     Field('first_name', length=32, required=True, notnull=True),
>>>>>>> The code below worked in 1.99.7.  If the supplier had two contacts, 
>>>>>>> it would return two rows as expected, both with the same supplier data 
>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>> each with individual contact data.  
>>>>>>> In 2.2.1 it returns no rows.
>>>>>>> def get_approved_suppliers(product_id):
>>>>>>> return db(
>>>>>>>             (db.product_suppliers.product_id==product_id) &
>>>>>>>             (db.product_suppliers.supplier_id==db.suppliers.id)
>>>>>>>             ).select(
>>>>>>>                     db.suppliers.id,
>>>>>>>                     db.suppliers.name,
>>>>>>>                     # more supplier details omitted for brevity,
>>>>>>>                     db.supplier_contacts.id,
>>>>>>>                     db.supplier_contacts.first_name,
>>>>>>>                     # contact details omitted for brevity.
>>>>>>>                     left = db.supplier_contacts.on(
>>>>>>>                         db.supplier_contacts.supplier_id==db.
>>>>>>> suppliers.id
>>>>>>>                         )
>>>>>>>                     )
>>>>>>> This is the query as shown by db._lastsql.  (Broken into chunks for 
>>>>>>> readability)
>>>>>>> SELECT  suppliers.id, suppliers.name, suppliers.address, suppliers.
>>>>>>> address_2, suppliers.city, suppliers.state, suppliers.zip, suppliers
>>>>>>> .land_line, suppliers.fax, suppliers.email, 
>>>>>>> suppliers.website,supplier_contacts
>>>>>>> .id, supplier_contacts.first_name, 
>>>>>>> supplier_contacts.middle_name,supplier_contacts
>>>>>>> .last_name, supplier_contacts.generation, 
>>>>>>> supplier_contacts.email,supplier_contacts
>>>>>>> .mobile, supplier_contacts.land_line, supplier_contacts.fax 
>>>>>>> FROM product_suppliers, suppliers 
>>>>>>> LEFT JOIN supplier_contacts ON (supplier_contacts.supplier_id =suppliers
>>>>>>> .id) 
>>>>>>> WHERE (((((product_suppliers.product_id = 340) AND (
>>>>>>> product_suppliers.supplier_id = suppliers.id)) AND (
>>>>>>> product_suppliers.is_active = 'T')) AND (suppliers.is_active = 'T'))AND 
>>>>>>> (supplier_contacts.is_active = 'T'));


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