If no objection I will remove those.

On Saturday, 15 December 2012 08:12:24 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:
> nope. I'm +1 on all the line "remove those characters".
> My point was to eliminate that from http alltogether, or (but it will 
> require more checks) remove that from restful AND @service calls.
> On Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:50:17 AM UTC+1, howesc wrote:
>> is anybody using request.restful *and* needs the 512 bytes in a restful 
>> response?  i'm inclined to only skip those bytes for restful requests 
>> (because they are usually not displayed by browsers).
>> thanks,
>> cfh
>> On Friday, December 14, 2012 2:48:39 PM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote:
>>> Please... let be sure that those injected characters are going to be 
>>> replied only to a browser request, possibly only IE. Technically as long as 
>>> the gzipped body stays over 512 byte IE will show the page.
>>> Lets not forget, pleeeease, that the thread started requesting to delete 
>>> those nasty 512 bytes (and I'm more and more inclined to forget about IE 
>>> error pages): let's keep them 512 and not make them 90000 :-P
>>> On Friday, December 14, 2012 9:42:01 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> This is a problem. How about injecting more characters instead of less. 
>>>> How about an image encoded in ascii?
>>>> On Friday, 14 December 2012 13:44:24 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>> problem with older browser is : retrieve a working copy of it.....
>>>>> However, http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8942 and the following 
>>>>> http://www.clintharris.net/2009/ie-512-byte-error-pages-and-wordpress/, 
>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/294807 seems to point in the 
>>>>> direction of < 7.
>>>>> Others sites include IE7 just referencing the "friendly error pages" 
>>>>> item.
>>>>> Unfortunately it seems that in IE8 the problem persists (just 
>>>>> checked): friendly error page kicks in.
>>>>> However, I'm saying:
>>>>> - the ticket page in rewrite.py is filled with characters already
>>>>> - we add them to the "temporarily down for maintenance" in main.py 
>>>>> instead of injecting them on the HTTP() method, that can be (and its 
>>>>> being) used also for interacting with non-browser clients.
>>>>> Cons: if anyone is doing 
>>>>> raise HTTP(404, 'item not found')
>>>>> it won't display on IE. I'm positive though that if anyone is doing 
>>>>> that an error "item not found" is not very much more informative than the 
>>>>> "friendly page" of IE, and if it's needed "badly" a custom error page is 
>>>>> prepared (and returned)
>>>>> PS: with gzip enabled it doesn't work anyway (meaning right now adding 
>>>>> 512 "x" doesn't work).
>>>>> The only trick is resorting to HTTP(404, [something]) to skip the 
>>>>> injecting feature....


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