Older versions of IE will override the error page and display an IE error 
page is the length is less than 512.
As far as I know it is still relevant to display web2py error tickets on 
older IE browsers.

On Thursday, 13 December 2012 17:48:19 UTC-6, howesc wrote:
> in http.py there exists this block:
>             if isinstance(body, str):
>                 if len(body) < 512 and \
>                         headers['Content-Type'].startswith('text/html'):
>                     body += '<!-- %s //-->' % ('x' * 512)  # trick IE
> when i'm using request.restful i don't necessarily want all of those 
> X's......would it be ok for me to make a patch that skips this block in a 
> restful request?  (is this IE hack still relevant?)
> thanks!
> christian


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