Holy cow, you're right! 

I've had so many things on my mind that I totally forgot about that!

Guess that will speed up my production app a little then...

On Friday, 30 November 2012 13:06:34 UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On 30 Nov 2012, at 9:54 AM, Magnitus <eric_va...@yahoo.ca <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> It is not executed, but given that models are not "compiled" into bytecode 
> as far as I know, won't it have to be interpreted (incurring a performance 
> penalty for the interpreter having to parse additional code)?
> Ordinarily, in production, your files would be precompiled. I think you'd 
> be hard pressed to measure the additional overhead of a few extra lines in 
> your model.
> On Friday, 30 November 2012 12:50:33 UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>> On 30 Nov 2012, at 9:38 AM, Magnitus <eric_va...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
>> What you are suggesting addresses the concurrency access problem (which 
>> could be resolved with the DB since it locks or with your suggestion).
>> However, if you stick the logic in your model, you still have the problem 
>> of the logic appearing on every request.
>> While you do speed up the checking with the "Test & set" instead of DB 
>> access, eliminating the disk read, you do burden your model with additional 
>> code bloat.
>> I suppose that could be mitigated by inserting your script logic into a 
>> module and passing the db as an argument to it.
>> The overhead to check global_settings is negligibly more than an ordinary 
>> dict access, and except for the first request, that's all you'll incur. I'm 
>> pretty sure that's  quite a bit less than an import of a module that's 
>> already imported (since it still has to check whether the module is already 
>> there).
>> It's true that the db code will still be there, but it won't be executed.
>> On Thursday, 29 November 2012 14:00:05 UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>>> On 29 Nov 2012, at 10:22 AM, Magnitus <eric_va...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>> >There are a couple of issues. One is: what do you mean by startup? It's 
>>> fairly well defined if you're running web2py with Rocket as the server, but 
>>> in a wsgi environment, especially one that might have multiple processes, 
>>> it's a lot less clear.
>>> Yes and no.
>>> Obviously, a task that needs to run at startup would have to be robust, 
>>> because you might start and stop your server multiple times (for example if 
>>> it creates groups, it would have to check if the groups already exist 
>>> before creating them).
>>> In that context, it isn't too much of a problem if it is executed 
>>> multiple times if wsgi spawns multiple processes given that it is an 
>>> overhead only when the server starts.
>>> However, if you absolutely need to make sure that the task itself runs 
>>> only once even with multiple processes spawning, it seems like such 
>>> synchronization could be handled in the DB  (either as a feature of the 
>>> framework or by the scripter himself, it's not too big of an overhead) or 
>>> just by using another interprocess synchronisation mechanism that modern 
>>> OSes provide.
>>> > So: what are you really trying to do? In what way is it a problem to 
>>> run on the first request after startup (whatever startup is) rather than at 
>>> startup itself? If you're    initializing the database, can you check that 
>>> it's already initialized? (Yes, overhead, but would it work logically?)
>>> I'm sure it's not THAT big of a performance overhead, but if possible, I 
>>> prefer that tasks that only need to be executed at startup be only executed 
>>> at startup.
>>> Not only does it run faster, but intuitively, I consider it to be better 
>>> design as it modularize your code more since it doesn't mix up tasks that 
>>> need to be executed at startup only with tasks that need to be executed 
>>> with every request.
>>> How about something along these lines: set a flag in 
>>> gluon.settings.global_settings, using an app-unique key (because 
>>> global_settings should but doesn't have a per-application namespace you 
>>> want something like 'com.yourdomain.yourapp' or the like). Test & set the 
>>> flag early in your model, and do your db init conditional on the model not 
>>> being set, using db semantics to do it once, since you could have updates 
>>> from multiple processes. A straightforward mechanism (I think?) would be to 
>>> just do an insert with some appropriate field marked unique, and ignore 
>>> insert-collision exceptions.
>>> On Thursday, 29 November 2012 10:44:17 UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>>>> On 29 Nov 2012, at 6:41 AM, Magnitus <eric_va...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
>>>> I'd be curious to know if the lack of feedback on this thread so far is 
>>>> due to the devs being incredibly busy or web2py lacking a genuine working 
>>>> mechanism to execute scripts that have access to the models at startup 
>>>> only.
>>>> I've tried to do something like this myself (clear memcached on 
>>>> startup, in my case) and couldn't figure out a good way.
>>>> There are a couple of issues. One is: what do you mean by startup? It's 
>>>> fairly well defined if you're running web2py with Rocket as the server, 
>>>> but 
>>>> in a wsgi environment, especially one that might have multiple processes, 
>>>> it's a lot less clear.
>>>> Another is that the built-in cron mechanism was badly broken. ISTR 
>>>> seeing some fixes from Massimo go by recently, but I didn't look closely 
>>>> at 
>>>> what was going on. 
>>>> So: what are you really trying to do? In what way is it a problem to 
>>>> run on the first request after startup (whatever startup is) rather than 
>>>> at 
>>>> startup itself? If you're initializing the database, can you check that 
>>>> it's already initialized? (Yes, overhead, but would it work logically?)
>>>> I've tried a lot of permutations for setting a script at the start with 
>>>> cron and I'm now convinced that the functionality is either broken or so 
>>>> obscure that most non-devs users that rely on the documentation alone 
>>>> won't 
>>>> be able to make it work (at least, not without a major head ache).
>>>> Besides, it seems from the documentation that cron is being phased out 
>>>> anyways, so I'm thinking it would be nice to provide some sort of hook for 
>>>> users to insert a script at startup with access to the models instead.
>>>> Inserting "from gluon import *" in the module won't work either since 
>>>> the db handles are not defined in gluon, but in the models.
>>>> I'm guessing that maybe the entire database definition could be moved 
>>>> to a module instead (I'd have to reflect on all the implications of this 
>>>> though it would definitely increase the performance at the cost of having 
>>>> to reboot when you want to modify the db's structure), but that's not the 
>>>> default out of the box architecture.
>>>> Either way, inserting the script into a module that is included in a 
>>>> controller is not a 100% satisfying solution since the script is actually 
>>>> executed on the first page request and not really at startup.
>>>> On Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:55:00 UTC-5, Magnitus wrote:
>>>>> After some reflection, I suppose I could write a wrapper script that 
>>>>> first runs python web2py.py --import_models 
>>>>> --shell=<MyController>/default 
>>>>> --run="<My Script>" and then starts web2py normally when using web2py 
>>>>> standalone.
>>>>> That is one workaround.
>>>>> On Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:19:01 UTC-5, Magnitus wrote:
>>>>>> Hi gents,
>>>>>> I have been populating my databases with groups (for access control) 
>>>>>> manually for a while and then, switched to running a script that does 
>>>>>> it, 
>>>>>> though I still run the script manually in the web2py context.
>>>>>> Now, I'd like to programmatically implement this in a sensible way 
>>>>>> (in a way that runs by itself and doesn't need human intervention at 
>>>>>> all).
>>>>>> Obviously, you could just put the logic that does this in a model, 
>>>>>> but I don't like the idea of needlessly increasing the size of my models 
>>>>>> with this or running the logic to check the existance of and generate 
>>>>>> groups for each request.
>>>>>> Another alternative would be to put the logic in a module that would 
>>>>>> be imported (with the idea that it would run on the first import which 
>>>>>> is 
>>>>>> done only once), but then imported modules don't have access to the 
>>>>>> web2py 
>>>>>> objects (notably, my database handle) unless you pass them on as 
>>>>>> parameters 
>>>>>> which you cannot do in a module's global scope when it is first included.
>>>>>> This leaves me with cron and running it as a cron job at boot time. 
>>>>>> However, it isn't working.
>>>>>> I tried running my script using the web2py context (ie, python 
>>>>>> web2py.py --import_models --shell=<MyController>/default --run="<My 
>>>>>> Script>") and it ran fine and generated the db entries I wanted.
>>>>>> Then, I started my web2py execution with cron activated (ie, python 
>>>>>> web2py.py -Y).
>>>>>> I tried the two varations portayed in the example for the crontab 
>>>>>> ("@reboot * * * * root *applications/<My App>/cron/Generate_groups.py" 
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> the shorter "@reboot root *applications/<My 
>>>>>> App>/cron/Generate_groups.py).
>>>>>> And yes, my db transactions end with a db.commit().
>>>>>> I've been banging my head against this for two hours and while I'm 
>>>>>> sure whatever is wrong with this will come to me over time, this is 
>>>>>> definitely a case of sooner would be better than later.
>>>>>> Insights would be appreciated.
>>>> -- 
>>> -- 
>> -- 
> -- 


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