On 29 Nov 2012, at 6:41 AM, Magnitus <eric_vallee2...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> I'd be curious to know if the lack of feedback on this thread so far is due 
> to the devs being incredibly busy or web2py lacking a genuine working 
> mechanism to execute scripts that have access to the models at startup only.

I've tried to do something like this myself (clear memcached on startup, in my 
case) and couldn't figure out a good way.

There are a couple of issues. One is: what do you mean by startup? It's fairly 
well defined if you're running web2py with Rocket as the server, but in a wsgi 
environment, especially one that might have multiple processes, it's a lot less 

Another is that the built-in cron mechanism was badly broken. ISTR seeing some 
fixes from Massimo go by recently, but I didn't look closely at what was going 

So: what are you really trying to do? In what way is it a problem to run on the 
first request after startup (whatever startup is) rather than at startup 
itself? If you're initializing the database, can you check that it's already 
initialized? (Yes, overhead, but would it work logically?)

> I've tried a lot of permutations for setting a script at the start with cron 
> and I'm now convinced that the functionality is either broken or so obscure 
> that most non-devs users that rely on the documentation alone won't be able 
> to make it work (at least, not without a major head ache).
> Besides, it seems from the documentation that cron is being phased out 
> anyways, so I'm thinking it would be nice to provide some sort of hook for 
> users to insert a script at startup with access to the models instead.
> Inserting "from gluon import *" in the module won't work either since the db 
> handles are not defined in gluon, but in the models.
> I'm guessing that maybe the entire database definition could be moved to a 
> module instead (I'd have to reflect on all the implications of this though it 
> would definitely increase the performance at the cost of having to reboot 
> when you want to modify the db's structure), but that's not the default out 
> of the box architecture.
> Either way, inserting the script into a module that is included in a 
> controller is not a 100% satisfying solution since the script is actually 
> executed on the first page request and not really at startup.
> On Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:55:00 UTC-5, Magnitus wrote:
> After some reflection, I suppose I could write a wrapper script that first 
> runs python web2py.py --import_models --shell=<MyController>/default 
> --run="<My Script>" and then starts web2py normally when using web2py 
> standalone.
> That is one workaround.
> On Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:19:01 UTC-5, Magnitus wrote:
> Hi gents,
> I have been populating my databases with groups (for access control) manually 
> for a while and then, switched to running a script that does it, though I 
> still run the script manually in the web2py context.
> Now, I'd like to programmatically implement this in a sensible way (in a way 
> that runs by itself and doesn't need human intervention at all).
> Obviously, you could just put the logic that does this in a model, but I 
> don't like the idea of needlessly increasing the size of my models with this 
> or running the logic to check the existance of and generate groups for each 
> request.
> Another alternative would be to put the logic in a module that would be 
> imported (with the idea that it would run on the first import which is done 
> only once), but then imported modules don't have access to the web2py objects 
> (notably, my database handle) unless you pass them on as parameters which you 
> cannot do in a module's global scope when it is first included.
> This leaves me with cron and running it as a cron job at boot time. However, 
> it isn't working.
> I tried running my script using the web2py context (ie, python web2py.py 
> --import_models --shell=<MyController>/default --run="<My Script>") and it 
> ran fine and generated the db entries I wanted.
> Then, I started my web2py execution with cron activated (ie, python web2py.py 
> -Y).
> I tried the two varations portayed in the example for the crontab ("@reboot * 
> * * * root *applications/<My App>/cron/Generate_groups.py" and the shorter 
> "@reboot root *applications/<My App>/cron/Generate_groups.py).
> And yes, my db transactions end with a db.commit().
> I've been banging my head against this for two hours and while I'm sure 
> whatever is wrong with this will come to me over time, this is definitely a 
> case of sooner would be better than later.
> Insights would be appreciated.
> -- 


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