you are using the wrong have to send something like

{"id": 1, "method": "savemessage", "params": { "*message*": 
"variableholdingmessage", "*uid*" : "variableholdingmail"}}

*message* and *uid* are the named parameters to your function def 
savemessage(*message, uid*)
and instead you are composing

{"id": 1, "method": "savemessage", "params": { "variableholdingmessage": 
"mymessage", "variableholdinguid" : "myemail@localhost"}}

PS: you are using probably the overcomplicated quoting style ever :P
try with this

-d '{"id": 1, "method": "savemessage", "params": { "message": "'$message'", 
"uid" : "'$uid'"}}' $url

PS2: relying on a vanilla bash variable for passing around json parameters 
is a bad idea. What if your message includes a ' symbol ? e.g. "Let's 
rock".... The json equivalent is "Let\'s rock"...


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