I don't think this is a good JSON-RPC example as the change broke our app 
that uses simplejsonrpc or jsonrpclib to make API calls.

Based on the jsonrpclib python module 
@ https://code.google.com/p/jsonrpclib/ requests look like:

>>> import jsonrpclib
>>> server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8080')
>>> server.add(5,6)
>>> print jsonrpclib.history.request
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [5, 6], "id": "gb3c9g37", "method": "add"}
>>> print jsonrpclib.history.response
{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': 11, 'id': 'gb3c9g37'}

And the JSON-RPC spec states params should be "An Array of objects to pass 
as arguments to the method." -- http://json-rpc.org/wiki/specification

However the actual spec doesn't specify array, dict or whatever as it tries 
to be universal: "A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be 
used during the invocation of the method. This member MAY be omitted."  

For simplejsonrpc and jsonrpclib to work we have to undo this change in 

On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 1:25:22 PM UTC-8, Mike Anson wrote:
> Thanks very much for your help Niphlod.
> On Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:10:35 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
>> Yes I understand your point. The reason it is currently like this is 
>>> because if I use your suggestion (which I obviously had originally)
>>> {"id": 1, "method": "savemessage", "params": { "*message*": 
>>> "variableholdingmessage", "*uid*" : "variableholdingmail"}}
>>> I get message and uid as the values in the DB. So I switched them.
>>> {"id": 1, "method": "savemessage", "params": { "variableholdingmessage": 
>>> "mymessage", "variableholdinguid" : "myemail@localhost"}}
>>> The result means that variableholdingmessage is saved as the message and 
>>> not the expected "mymessage". Exactly the same for uid.
>>> Unfortunately jsonrpc call method has a bug. in web2py 2.2.1, in 
>> gluon/tools.py, line 4231 should be 
>> s = methods[method](**params)
>> instead of
>> s = methods[method](*params)
>> sending a patch to Massimo right now!
>>> re: PS -- haha yes I know. I did try it with single quotes and it 
>>> crapped out?? So just kept the doubles. It's not that bad!
>>> re: PS2 -- have you any recommendations to solve this special character 
>>> potential problem?
>> Normally with jsonrpc you use something that is not curl, e.g. a 
>> programming language that supports json (python?!)
>> Escaping on bash without awk, sed, etc is always problematic.... but if 
>> you're willing to have as only limitation the " character that is less 
>> frequent to use within a message, why don't you use one of the methods not 
>> requiring a json body to be posted ? e.g. @service.xml, @service.csv or 
>> @service.json....
>> curl -v --get --data-urlencode \"uid=$uid\" --data-urlencode 
>> \"message=$message\" $url
>> here curl takes care of urlencoding the message and the uid parameters.


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