Are you sure checkout_date_in and checkout_date_out are being submitted and 
that those are the correct variable names?

Also, if you want to redirect, just call redirect(...), don't return a dict 
with a redirect call in it.


On Thursday, October 4, 2012 12:39:14 PM UTC-4, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I am trying to validate a form entry against existing entries in my 
> database on form submission. But user_start and user_end are returning as 
> None Type. How do I get the values of a form using SQLFORM
> *cheers
>       if form.accepts(request.vars):
>             for project in project_date:
>                 start = project.date_in
>                 end = project.date_out
>                 user_start = request.vars.checkout_date_in
>                 user_end = request.vars.checkout_date_out   
>                 if start <= user_start <= end or start <= user_end <= 
> end:   
>                     return dict(redirect(URL('error','availability')))
>                 else:
>                     session.flash = 'form accepted'
>                     return dict(redirect(URL('default', 'next')))
> *cheers and ty


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