Has anyone looked at the speed differences between operations performed 
with a Storage object and the equivalent object with a dictionary? I wonder 
how these would compare?

bob = MyStorageObject.name

bob = MyDictionary['name']

I suspect that the difference with one lookup would be trivial, but I'm 
wondering whether it is enough that it could make a noticeable difference 
if we're working with a long list of nested Storage objects or nested 
dicts. E.g.:

allrows = db(db.mytable.id > 0).select()
allrows.find(lambda row: [n for n in row.tags[0].names if n in 

allrows_list = allrows.as_list()
allrows_list = [d for d in allrows_list if [n for n in 
d['tags'][0]['names'] in list_of_names]]

Does anyone have an idea whether there will be much speed difference?



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