Hi Annet,

On Apr 13, 3:54 am, jmverm...@xs4all.nl wrote:
> Massimo,
> >SQLField(...widget=...)
> >there are some examples in gluon/sqlhtml.py but your way of doing it
> >is the easiest way.
> I think I prefer the widget, the easiest way is not always the most
> beautiful way. I had a look at the gluon/sqlhtml.py file, I suppose
> the OptionsWidget is the one I need.

form_factory already gives you the dropbox using the OptionsWidget.
Do you want something different?.

> The widget should be based on the following table:
> db.define_table('event',
>     SQLField('...'),
>     SQLField('sleutelwoord', length=24),
>     SQLField('...'),
>     migrate=False)
> db.event.sleutelwoord.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,
> db.sleutelwoord.sleutelwoord, '%(sleutelwoord)s')

  SQLField( 'sleutelwoord',requires=IS_IN_DB(...) )
  ,labels={'sleutelwoord','Selecteer een sleutelwoord'}

But if you want distinct=True then you have to use IS_IN_SET as in
your original post.

BTW, instead of:
  keywordlist=[keywordrows[i]['sleutelwoord'] for i in range(len

you can do:
  keywordlist=[k['sleutelwoord'] for k in keywordrows]

> From gluon/sqlhtml.py I can't derive what the widget should read like:
> widget=lambda self, value:INPUT
> (_id='...',_name='sleutelwoord',_class='OptionsWidget',_type='text')
> I hope one of you will help me fill the gaps.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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