The only other way is by making a widget


there are some examples in gluon/ but your way of doing it
is the easiest way.


On Apr 12, 11:13 am, annet <> wrote:
> In a form_factory form I created a drop box using the following lines
> of code:
> keywordrows=db().select
> (db.event.sleutelwoord,distinct=True,orderby=db.event.sleutelwoord)
> keywordlist=[keywordrows[i]['sleutelwoord'] for i in range(len
> (keywordrows))] form=form_factory(SQLField
> ('sleutelwoord',label='Selecteer een sleutelwoord',requires=IS_IN_SET
> (keywordlist))
> I wonder whether there is another way to create a drop box in a
> form_factory form.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.
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